**Invitation** ICT Dine-and-Share on Tech Essentials of Blockchain & Virtual Asset

Dear Fellows,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group and Financial Chapter join hands to host a dinner gathering on 13th October 2021 (Wed) for members who are interested in the latest development of Blockchain and Virtual Asset as well as  their applications in different fields. 

Ying Wa fellow Louis Tse (1988), who has been well exposed to the financial services / fintech sectors, will act as moderator to discuss with two guest panelists Rico Tang (Senior Manager, FinTech Cluster of Cyberport Hong Kong) and Simon Au Yeung (Head of Strategic Initiatives of HashKey Group) about the above said emerging technologies.

ICT Dine-and-Share 

Date: 13th October 2021 (Wednesday)

Time:  7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m

Venue: iSQUARE, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Fee: HKD380 per seat for YWCOBA members   //   HKD430 per seat for non-members

(Chinese banquet included in the dine-out sharing talk)

Grab the chance to interact with the technology pioneers live and in-person!  To secure the limited seats, please register online with Google Form at earliest convenience and before 10th October 2021 (Register Now).   Should you have any questions, just feel free to send an email to info@ywcoba.com for assistance.

Besides, you’re welcome to join the WhatsApp of YWCOBA ICT Interest Group to cultivate ideas exchange regarding ICT matters.  Simply click the link (https://qrgo.page.link/CZPzB) to learn more about it and register the WhatsApp group at your convenience!!

Best regards,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group

Appreciation Dinner for YWC Vice Principal – MAK TAK CHEUNG

Mr Mak Tak Cheung, Vice-principal of Ying Wa College, retired after 40 years of long-standing dedicated service to our Mother School in August 2020.  Due to the pandemic, we cannot get together to celebrate his retirement until now.  To express our gratitude, YWCOBA organized an appreciation dinner for Mr. Mak on 16 Sep 2021 at Hotel ICON by inviting over one hundred guests including YW school principals and vice-principals and past students from various years.  It’s a joyful and memorable night.  





現仍有少量文物並未退還, 若各位師兄弟仍未取回借出之文物,
煩請瀏覽網站 ( http://gg.gg/vz1gf ) 認領,並聯絡書院校務處徐小姐(電話2748-5813)預約取回。
Heritage and Archive Chapter

Appeal your cooperation to Go Green

Dear members,

In response to the environmental friendly initiatives and carbon reduction, we are pleased to appeal all members to express their view to adjust the way of receiving future correspondence.

Simply click the web form (https://qrgo.page.link/vf6XU) or scan the QR Code below using a smart phone, fill in the necessary information and submit. You can also update your correspondence details as you see fit. Please make more use of electronic media and contribute to create a better world for our next generation.

Should you have any queries, or encounter difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the
undersigned at (852) 6016 3887 or one of the following committee members:

Mr. Carus Lu (1990)
Mr. Edward Li (1999)

Yours sincerely,

Rex Liu

Assistant Honorary Secretary

YWCOBA 籃球日2021

各位英華人,校友會將於十月下旬,再度舉辦籃球同樂日。 當天,校友會邀請了多支80 年代至今, 歷屆校隊成員組成的隊員比賽。

英華籃球隊人才輩出 ,眾多校友濟身甲一籃球聯賽。退役了的,有陳澤民、何隠儒 ; 至於現役的球星,則有鄭錦興、陳張敏、周家駒、惠龍兒、陳兆榮等,未能盡錄。藉著今次盛會,校友會更邀請了2017 年精英賽冠軍隊隊員參賽,以及特別邀請了書院及小學 兩位校長,及多位英華舊老師,一齊出席。

日期:10 月24 日星期日
時間:下午3 時至8 時


入場觀眾 500 名額,需憑票入場。

註1:校友會會員免費(名額200 位,先到先得);非會員,費用每位$50

黃子榮 (1990)
李俊蔚 (1998)

Notice of AGM – Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting for the year 2021 of Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“YWCOBA”) will be convened and held at Ying Wa Primary School, 3 Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong on Thursday, the 30th day of September 2021 at 7:30p.m.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him; a proxy need not also be a member.

The Proxy Form, Nomination Form, agenda, minutes and audited financial statements are attached as below:



Mins Final 2020

AFS 2021

Agenda 2021

The duly completed Proxy form should be returned to Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street or to Messrs. Ho & Ip at 24/F., C. M. A. Building, 64-66 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Gareth Ng (6200 3922) or Mr. K. Y. Lo (9467 0334)

Yours faithfully,

YWCOBA Executive Committee 

Notice of AGM – Ying Wa Education Foundation Limited

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting for the year 2021 of Ying Wa Education Foundation Limited (“YWEF”) will be convened and held at Ying Wa Primary School, 1 Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon on Thursday, the 30th day of September 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him; a proxy need not also be a member.

The agenda, proxy form and audited financial statements are attached below:

Proxy-2021 (version 1)

AFS 2020

Notice-AGM-2021 (draft version 3)

The duly completed Proxy form should be returned to Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street or to Messrs. Ho & Ip at 24/F., C. M. A. Building, 64-66 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Gareth Ng (6200 3922) or Mr. K. Y. Lo (9467 0334)

Yours faithfully,

YWEF Executive Committee 

[Webinar] 虛擬銀行,香港發展之路乃「虛」乃「實」?

YWCOBA 英華書院校友會
Financial Chapter – Alumni Speaker Series


Frank Chow (1987), Head of Cyber Security, Ping On OneConnect Bank
Edmund Lai (1988), DGM, Deputy Head of Consumer Banking Division, China Construction Bank Asia
Simon Lee (1998), Head of Internal Audit, ZA Bank
Ken Chan (2003), Manager, Corporate Digital Innovation Team, Hang Seng Bank

主持:Wilson Cheung (1999), Director, Compliance Advisory, Deloitte

虛擬銀行(Virtual Bank)是金管局發展本港「新型銀行」(Neo bank)的重要措施之一。2019年,金管局共發出8個虛擬銀行牌照,至今一眾虛擬銀行亦已正式營運了。虛擬銀行推出創新的科技、產品及運作模式,有人認為對傳統銀行帶來衝擊,但也有人認為虛擬銀行在高監管成本、近乎飽和的商業銀行市場中前境黯淡,究竟虛擬銀行係顛覆銀行界,還是逆境求存?


連結網上會議(Zoom Link稍後發放)

YWCOBA Financial Chapter 召集人

Bernard Li (1996)    bernardclli@hotmail.com
Simon Lee (1998)    simoncwl@gmail.com
Sunny Chiu (1998)  sunny.israel@gmail.com

** INVITATION ** Dine-and-Share on AI Pioneering and Entrepreneurship

Dear Fellows,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group will host a dinner gathering on 18th August 2021 (Wed) for members who are interested in the latest development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in different fields. 

FanoLabs was the winner of the Grand Award of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020: Fintech Award, and Gold Award of the Regulatory Technology and Risk Management stream, with their solutions “Callinter, an Artificial Intelligence Compliance Assurance System”.

Founder and CEO of the award winning AI company, Dr. Miles Wen, is invited to the event as guest of honour.   He will share his insights on AI development in the Greater Bay Area especially speech recognition, natural language processing and voice biometrics technologies.

Ying Wa fellow John Ng (1990), who is a veteran finance & investment professional, will share his wonderful engagement with this fast-growing startup headquartered in HKSTP.


Date: 18th August 2021 (Wednesday)

Time:  7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m

Venue: One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Fee: HKD480 per seat for YWCOBA members //   HKD520 per seat for non-members

(Chinese banquet included in the dine-out sharing talk)

Grab the chance to interact with the IT entrepreneurs live and in-person!  To secure the limited seats, please register online with Google Form on or before 16 August 2021 (Register Now).   Should you have any questions, just feel free to send an email to info@ywcoba.com for assistance.

Besides, you’re welcome to join the WhatsApp Group of YWCOBA ICT Interest Group to cultivate ideas exchange regarding ICT matters.  Simply click the link (https://qrgo.page.link/CZPzB) to learn more about it and register the WhatsApp group at your convenience!!

Best regards,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group


Highlight of Guest Speakers:

Dr. Miles Wen (Founder and CEO of FanoLabs)

Fano Labs, an AI startup that works on speech recognition and natural language processing technologies to help enterprises with their customer services.  Fano Labs is backed by HKU, the Hong Kong Science & Technology Park, Animoca Brands (ASX: AB1), Mr. Antony Leung, former Financial Secretary of HKSAR, Alibaba, and Horizons Ventures, the private investment arm of Mr. Li Ka-shing. As of late 2020, Fano Labs has attracted over HKD 100M in venture funding.

John Ng (Co-Chairman, Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association)

John began his career in PwC New York. He returned to Hong Kong as an investment banker at Lehman Brothers in the late 1990s. John then built a corporate M&A and strategic planning track record at the port and logistics division of Hutchison Whampoa. Before joining LKK Health Products Group, John spent twelve years at Landmark Capital, lastly as its Managing Partner.

Application for admission to Primary 1 of Ying Wa Primary School

Dear Members,

Ying Wa Primary School (“YWPS”) will accept applications for admission to Primary 1 students for the year 2022/23 between 14th July 2021 and 18th July 2021 through online system.  I am glad to inform you that Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association (“YWCOBA”) has liaised with YWPS to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Primary 1 of YWPS subject to the following conditions: 

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of YWCOBA for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline stated below).  
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the minimum standard of academic capability as set by the Headmistress of the School. 

If your son wishes to apply for a Primary 1 place in YWPS, you are required to make the online application and submit to YWPS directly.  You may wish to get the latest information about the application from the website of YWPS (http://www.yingwaps.edu.hk) and make inquiry to YWPS for details of the application if necessary.

If you wish YWCOBA to render assistance in the application, please remember to print a copy of the application form before proceeding to the page for payment of the application fee.  You should then send the copy of the application form together with the confirmation email with an application number from YWPS to the office of Ying Wa College with attention to Ms. Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before 19th July 2021 (Monday). 

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenor for Student Affairs, Mr. Ng King Him at 9358 2756 or Mr. Ivanhoe Ko at 9267 4830.

Yours sincerely, 

Gareth Ng
Chairman, YWCOBA