Ying Wa Archive Room Treasure

The Ying Wa College Archivist has completed cataloguing the donations of heritage artifacts from alumni celebrating the Ying Wa College 200th Anniversary. Some of the artifacts have been used in exhibitions and commemorative publications.

Ms Jane Sze has recorded about 70 groups of donations. All catalogued items are now packed in accordance with archival practice with preservative materials. They will be available for viewing and research in the Archives Room with prior permission and arrangements ( email address being skyj@yingwa.edu.hk)

Our applause and appreciation to Archivist Ms Jane Sze for her splendid work!!

英華書院長跑日 家長、校友及老師邀請賽



🟦地點:馬鞍山海濱長廊 (烏溪沙)

🟦起跑時間:約9:30am (9:00am 熱身)





🟧現誠邀各位校友踴躍參與,與師弟們一齊感受長跑日的盛況,長跑日當天亦歡迎校友到場觀看、打氣。 所有入場人士須遵守學校指示,保持秩序。當日場地不設泊車。

🟥有興趣的校友請於 3月19日(星期日)或之前 將中文姓名、屆別及電話號碼發送至黃子榮 (drwongtszwing@gmail.com )及趙緯樂 (sunny.israel@gmail.com),資料會再轉發至書院負責體育老師作報名用途,謝謝!