2017 December Happy Hour Notice

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 1st December 2017, Fri (6:30 to 10:30 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.
Drinks arrangement:

Member – $150 per head , Non-Member $180 per head

Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys at all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on the Friday evening.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

​Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba




YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2017 (16/11/2017)

Dear members,

Please be informed that the YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2017 will be held at 7:00pm on 16th November 2017 (Thursday) in the Function Rooms on the 3rd Floor, The Mira Hotel, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Enclosed please find the 2017 AGM Agenda and the Proxy Form for your perusal.

Dinner (Optional) will be served immediately after the AGM at HK$600 per head. Advance booking is required. For reservation, please just contact any one of the following office bearers: Mr. Ng Chi Kwong Gareth at 62003922 or Mr. Cheung Ka Fai at 96762689 or the undersigned at 95526614.

In case you are not able to attend the upcoming 2017 AGM meeting, you can complete the

Proxy Form and mail the signed original to Mr. K.Y. Lo, Chairman of YWCOBA :

Attention : Mr. K. Y. Lo
Y.T. Chan & Co.
5th Floor, The Chinese Bank Building,
61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

Please kindly help disseminating the notice of the AGM and relevant documents to other alumni of your years.

Look forward to seeing you in the 2017 AGM on 16th November, 2017.

Yours sincerely,
Ip Che Ho
Honorary Secretary

Proxy Form

Nomination and Consent form 17-19

2017 AGM Agenda

2017 英華行 暨皕年校慶啟動

率先瀏覽互動路線地圖:http://bit.ly/yingwawalk2017 了解每位英華前人經營校舍嘅刻苦經歷,聽朝再親身體驗!

支持 英華書院創校200年校慶 Ying Wa College 200th Anniversary

Like and share ( https://www.facebook.com/YingWa200)



大會安排Facebook Live ( https://www.facebook.com/ywcoba/ ), 希望未克參與歷史接力的校友也能得知現場情況,敬請留意


分站 地址 集合時間
01 大利樓 (士丹頓街) 06:40
01A 雅苑(堅道21號) 06:40
02 浸信教會恩典樓 (堅道97號) 06:50
02A 堅苑大廈(堅道139號) 06:50
02B 合一堂 (般含道2號) 06:50
03 禮賢閣 (般含道82號) 07:00
04 東邊街 (干諾道西 127 號) 07:10
05 順德中心海濱長廊(中港道) 07:20
05A 中環天星碼頭 7 號碼頭 07:30
06 尖沙咀天星碼頭鐘樓 07:50
07 星光花園天橋(星光大道) 08:00
08 Audi 陳列室 (天文臺道) 08:10
09 香港女童軍總會 (衛理道) 08:20
10 窩打老道/衛理道休憩處 08:30
11 望角堂(弼街56號/西洋菜街) 08:40
12 聖德肋撒堂 (太子道西258號) 08:50
13 牛津道1B號 (基華小學) 09:00
14 浸會大學 (聯福道32號) 09:10
15 富安街 (樂富公園格,仔山入口) 09:20
16 九龍仔游泳池入口收費處 09:40
17 歌朗妮酒店 Corienne Hotel 09:50
18 大坑東道游樂場 (界限街入口) 10:00
19 楓樹街運動場 (黃竹街) 10:10
20 協和小學 10:30





2017 英華皕載籃球明星邀請賽_1031list

(18:05  31/10/2017更新)

112 約定你 修頓見🏀

(16:30  30/10/2017更新)

鑑於近日多位同學查詢11月2日籃球賽事宜,在此先預告當日Rundown,球賽時間- 頭場元老賽6:30pm,明星邀請賽8:00pm。我們亦安排英華小學籃球隊作表演,時間約7:25pm。書院及小學的門票及Tee會於下週初於校內派發,舊生及VIP門票🎫及200周年Tee將於當日下午六時開始於灣仔修頓場館入口處派發,當日會有約2千人出席,呼籲大家早點來支持,緊守秩序,敬請留意。
112 約定你 修頓見!


(12:45  28/10/2017更新)



112 約定你 修頓見!




舉辦這場破天荒的賽事,旨在讓英華人共聚一堂,亦為英華教育基金籌款。為配合二百週年校慶活動,二百週年特別紀念Tee將於本活動接受訂購。賽事門票價格為$50,為鼓勵大家早日擁有紀念Tee(售價$250),訂購Tee shirt 人仕會獲優先配售門票,每件Tee shirt最多可訂購兩張門票。有興趣的英華人請把握機會從速購票,多多支持!
請參加者於9月30 日或之前填妥回條連同銀行入數紙,傳真至英華書院校務處
(Fax: 2336 1920)。

此致 各校友

盧炯宇 敬上
2017年 9 月13 日
