Application for admission to Primary 1 of Ying Wa Primary School

Dear Members,

Ying Wa Primary School (“YWPS”) will accept applications for admission to Primary 1 students for the year 2023/24 between 20th July 2022 to 24th July 2022 through online system.

I am glad to inform you that Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association (“YWCOBA”) has liaised with YWPS to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Primary 1 of YWPS subject to the following conditions :-

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of YWCOBA for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline).
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the minimum standard of academic capability as set by the Headmistress of the School.

If your son wishes to apply for a Primary 1 place in YWPS, you are required to make the online application and submit to YWPS directly. You may wish to get the latest information about the application from the website of YWPS ( and make inquiry to YWPS for details of the application if necessary.

If you wish YWCOBA to render assistance in the application, please remember to print a copy of the application form before proceeding to the page for payment of the application fee. You should then send the copy of the application form together with the confirmation  mail with an application number from YWPS to the office of Ying Wa College for the  attention of Ms. Tsui through email on or before 25th July 2022 (Monday).

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenor for Student Affairs, Mr Ng King Him at 93582756 or Mr Ivanhoe Ko at 92674830.

Yours sincerely,

Gareth Ng


【校址點對點】2022 英華行啟動啦!今年我們以雙腳來個「校史回顧」,一次過重訪了英華現在及昔日的三個校址😎

周日(6月26日)下午,我們從九龍塘牛津道校舍(1963-2003年)出發,🏃🏻‍♂️途經旺角弼街昔日校舍(1928-1963年)所在,再到 現時西九龍英華街校舍作結。當天氣溫☀️雖然高達攝氏32度(體感38度🥵),但我們都無懼高溫、「熱」血地加入#英華行傳承線上走 完成 五公里 行列,與各位師兄弟一起為英華教育基金( ) 出一分力,籌募經費。

途中回想2017年的 歷史接力跑 走訪各校舍原址,的確是一個別開生面的活動,也是歷代英華仔獨有的集體回憶。五年過去,至今記憶猶新,而日後的美好回憶就在今天締造。


lCT Dine-and-Share – 香港獨角獸「商湯」SenseTime

疫情緩和,闊別大半年的lCT Dine-and-Share,又可以再次舉行,讓校友們可以再聚首一堂。

今次校友會邀請了香港獨角獸「商湯」SenseTime 亞太區董事總經 Nixon Chau 和可持續人工智能項目經理 Philip Woodhead 出席,席間他們除了分享該公司Al在各行業的務實應用,也解答了與會者有關Al技術發展的多方面疑問。校友們亦透過嘉賓的親身分享,更加認識「商湯」這間以香港為家的AI科技公司業務,以及其公司文化及遠景。










英華行 2022傳承線上走




活動名稱 英華行 2022傳承線上走
內容 線上英華行:展望所有英華人,不受地域距離限制,於線上為英華努力,籌募經費給「英華教育基金」
活動期間 2022年6月20日至2022年7月25日 (包括首尾兩日)
活動時間 參與者可以選擇自己的英華行時間,只要在2022年6月20日至2022年7月25日內完成即可。
自由路線 參與者可以自由設計路線,選擇任何自然教育徑、海濱長廊、城市街道或其他合適路段。參與者只需把選定的組別路程距離完成,即視為完成活動


1. 3公里組別 (基本距離,參與者完成3公里距離,即可獲得3公里達成電子證書及紀念品乙份。)

2. 5公里組別 (中距離,合適有作日常運動之參與者,完成者可獲得5公里達成電子證書及紀念品乙份。)

3. 10公里組別 (長距離,合適有良好體能之參與者,完成者可獲得10公里達成電子證書及紀念品乙份。)

規則 是次活動為一籌款活動,參與者可覓贊助人或自行捐款。參與者及其家庭最低籌款額為300元正(以該家庭為計算單位)。達標者即可參與是次線上行。參與者請於遞交報名表格時決定參與那一個組別,並於完成活動後,把 (1)完成的距離紀錄及 (2)一張於活動過程中拍攝之照片上載到大會的指定平台內即可。一經確認,參與者將可獲發該組別之紀念品乙份及電子證書一張。


1. 量度行走距離及時間之裝備或軟件,例如智能手機的APPS, 運動型手錶上的測量工具即可。在完成活動後,參與者可以透過手機截圖,或拍下手錶上的數據以證明完成所揀選組別之行走距離。再把截圖或相片傳載給大會。

2. 拍照工具,例如智能手機或專業相機。參與者需在活動過程中拍攝一張照片(參與者必須被攝於當中),完成活動後,參與者需要把該照片傳載給大會作親身參與的紀錄。

攝影比賽     (自由參與) 大會設有最佳攝影比賽。如參與者希望把紀錄照片投稿到最佳攝影比賽,可在上載照片時報名參加最佳攝影比賽。大會將會從參與者遞交的活動照片中選出最優秀的30張作品,入選者將獲頒精美紀念品一份。(主辦單位保留最終決定權)
衣著服飾 不限。如有英華字樣之鴨舌帽或復刻版體育背心等等,歡迎穿著及戴上。

參與者請到下列超連結或QR Code填寫電子版的報名表格

完成活動後,請於6月20日至7月25日期間到下列超連結或QR Code上載紀錄及照片。(只可上載一次)



防疫注意 因應疫情,請各參與者遵守防疫措施,保持合適社交距離。

如有任何疑問,可致電英華書院2336 8838與徐小姐聯絡。





* INVITATION * Dine-and-Share: SenseTime – HK Unicorn’s AI Expansion

Banner of ICT Sharing

Dear Fellows,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group will host a dinner gathering on 23rd June 2022 (Thursday) for members who are interested in the latest development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in different fields. 

SenseTime (商湯) is the largest Hong Kong homegrown global AI company and is now trading on HKEX at valuation of HK$200 billion.

Mr. Nixon Chau (Managing Director & General Manager, Hong Kong & Macau of SenseTime) and Philip Woodhead (Senior Manager, Sustainable AI of SenseTime) are invited to the YWCOBA event as guests of honour.  They will provide you an insider’s view of the AI company as well as the pioneering AI applications in the global market.


Date: 23rd June 2022 (Thursday)

Time:  7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m

Venue: 陶源酒家 Basement, East Ocean Commercial Centre, 98 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon

Fee: HKD380 per seat for YWCOBA members //   HKD450 per seat for non-members

(Chinese banquet included in the dine-out sharing talk)

Grab the chance to interact in-person with the leaders in global AI technologies!  To secure the limited seats, please register online with Google Form on or before 21 June 2022 (Register Now @ ).   Should you have any questions, just feel free to send an email to for assistance.

Besides, you’re welcome to join the WhatsApp Group of YWCOBA ICT Interest Group to cultivate ideas exchange regarding ICT matters.  Simply click the link ( to learn more about it and register the WhatsApp group at your convenience!!

Best regards,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group


1. 開放時間為星期日早上10時至下午1時。早上10時之前,為書院校隊練習時間,校友請勿太早進駐場地,以免影響校隊練習!
2. 現階段只開放足球場及乒乓球枱予校友,暫不開放與家屬,盡量減低傳播風險。
3. 出席者,需預先向校友會報名。
4. 所有出席者須完成以下疫苗接種的要求,5月15、22及29日需完成接種兩針疫苗,而6月5日起出席者則需完成接種三針疫苗。
5. 出席者須由英華街進出,進入時必須在警衛前 使用 「安心出行」確認符合上述第4項疫苗接種的要求。(其他方式不會被接納)
6. 出席者當天早上,需自行進行快速檢測,確保並無染疫。檢測結果無需上載予校友會,但應保留作紀錄。

** Postponed**《 INVITATION 》 Principal Chen x Principal Chan : Forum on STEM Education

Dear Members,

Forum on STEM Education

STEM education nowadays is fundamental and vital at school in order to equip students for the future.  We are honored to have both of the principals of Ying Wa College (Mr. Dion Chen) and Ying Wa Primary School (Ms. Sylvia Chan) sharing their views and experience on STEM education at YWCOBA Forum to kickstart the new year in 2022.

In addition, market practitioners  Jack Wu (1991) of DTSL Group, Harry Chai (1995) of Techbob Academy and Jonathan Ng (1989) of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority are invited to exchange insights from interactions with students, parents, teachers and school administrators in the STEM ecosystem in Hong Kong.

If you are interested to learn more about the STEM education facilities at Mother School, you are most welcome to come earlier for a tour of YWC InnoLab and InnoHub guided by Albert Wong (1984 / F5) who is currently the IT Manager of YWC.

《 YWCOBA Forum 》

Date:  25 January 2022 (Tuesday)
Time:  6:30 p.m to 10:00 p.m
Place:  1) ICT Tour at YWC InnoLab & InnoHub
               2) Panel discussion at YWC Music Practice Room
               3) Dinner at GrandFulam, V Walk

Fee: HKD320 for YWCOBA members
          HKD380 for non YWCOBA  members

Register ASAP with the Google Form below ( ) to reserve your seat if you want to join this special event.  Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.  

Meanwhile, Ying Wa Education Foundation (YWEF) provides financial support to the two schools in assuring quality education.  If you would like to learn more about YWEF and show your gratitude and financial support to Ying Wa, please visit the web page ( and contact us at for more details.  

Should you have any questions regarding the above event, please feel free to contact YWCOBA ICT Interest Group convener – Carus LU (1990) via WhatsApp (+852 9191 2134).

Thanks a lot for your support to Ying Wa!!  We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming OBA activities!!

Yours sincerely,

Gareth NG
Ying Wa College Old Boys‘ Association Limited

英華利是封 2022


2月1日 便是農曆新年,為響應校友要求,現再次推出英華利是封,齊賀新禧。今年的利是封繼續採用了書院正門的「英華」字樣 以簡約為設計。現正接受預訂 $88(校友會會員)$98(非會員)/ 60個 一套。以郵寄方式寄到你指定的本地地址。

英華利是封 2022

如訂購,請於今天起到1月20日或之前 填妥以電子表格:



Rex Liu 廖力行
Jason Ma 馬家文
Edward Li 李𢓭蔚



1: 聯絡人姓名 :

2: 會員號碼:

3: 電話 :

4: 送貨地址 :

5:數量 : 套 (每套60個)

1) 以轉數快 (FPS) 形式付款至以下帳戶 ,並上載已過數的手機截圖於此表格;或
2) 請將款項存入校友會匯豐銀行戶口:490-038569- 001,並在此表格附上入數紙/轉賬紀錄