【Invitation to ICT Talk】Technology Innovation & Career Development @ MTR

ICT Talk Details

Topic :
Technology Innovation & Career Development at MTR

Content :
1) Technology innovation for passenger journey in mass transit railway
2) Career development sharing from computing graduate to management leadership
3) Dine-out networking

Place :
Ying Wa College (InnoLab)

Date :
2025-01-09 (Thursday)

Fee : Free of charge

(Participants are highly encouraged to join the dine-out gathering at nearby restaurant after the sharing talk at their own expenses)

Time / Schedule:

6:30 p.m 😉 Reception

7:00 p.m 😁 Guests’ Sharing

8:15 p.m 😋 Dine-Out Gathering

Guests of Honor: 
Sammy Wong 黃琨暐 (YWC 1990)
Chairman of Nong Ping 360 Limited
Executive Director
Mainland China Business Director
MTR Corporation Limited

Please register via the Google Form
( https://forms.gle/bQJQD5aGt3kJHgin9 ) to reserve your seats.

Membership Application

YWCOBA Souvenirs


英華書院校友會計劃包場觀看電影「久別重逢」,該電影是由99屆梁禮彦校友編劇和執導 。詳情如下:

地點:K11 Art House
收費:HKD 120/位 (大小同價)



滙豐銀行 : 490-038569-838

稍後 校友會將於12月15號或以前用電郵或whatsapp方法告知領取戲票安排。若有任何疑問,可電郵至 info@ywcoba.com 查詢。謝謝!


Application for DSS-S1 Places in Academic Year 2025-2026

Dear members,

Please note that Ying Wa College (“YWC”) Secondary 1 admission application for the year 2025/26 will be opened from 16th to 30th November 2024. I am glad to inform you that the Association has liaised with YWC to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Secondary 1 of YWC subject to the following conditions :-

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of the Association for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline stated below);
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s); and
3) The candidates should meet the required standard set by the principal of YWC.

If your son is interested to apply for a Secondary 1 place in YWC, you must make the application directly to YWC through online system in YWC webpage. For details, please go to http://www.yingwa.edu.hk , then click Menu>Admissions>S.1 Admission Information and Procedures.

Please kindly submit the soft copies of the Application Form, P4 school report (final term only), and P5 school reports (all year) in PDF format to the Convenor for Student Affairs via Ms Cherry Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before Saturday, the 30th November 2024, should you wish the Association to render admission assistance.

Feel free to contact our Student Affairs Convenors, Mr. Ng King Him (ngkinghim@yahoo.com.hk) or Mr. Ivanhoe Ko (ivanhoeko@yahoo.com.hk); or email: info@ywcoba.com, should you require any assistance.

Yours sincerely,


Notice of 2024 AGM – Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting for the year 2024 of Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“YWCOBA”) will be convened and held at Ying Wa College, Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong on Friday, the 29th day of November 2024 at 7:30p.m.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him; a proxy need not also be a member.

The Proxy Form, agenda, minutes and audited financial statements are attached as below:

Agenda 2024

Proxy 2024

AGM minutes 2023



The duly completed Proxy form should be returned to Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street.

There will be a dinner after the AGM at School Canteen, Ying Wa College, RSVP to register your seat by filling in the Google Form here before noon 22nd November 2024.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Rex Liu ( rexlh.liu@gmail.com ) or Mr. Sunny Chiu ( sunny.israel@gmail.com ).

Yours faithfully,

YWCOBA Executive Committee


校友會將於 2024 年 12 月 14 日(星期六) 舉行為期兩日一夜的順德美食之旅, 帶大家體驗耗資約500億灣區超級工程 —【深中通道】, 入住五星級酒店, 享用豐富美食。歡迎各位校友踴躍參加,亦歡迎攜眷出席。詳情如下:

日期 2024 年 12 月 14-15 日 (星期六至日)
出發時間及集合地點 2024 年 12 月 14 日 早上 9 時正 ( 九龍塘火車站 )

成人每位HK$1199 小童不佔床位(1.5米以下)每位HK$999

行程 Day 1: 上午09:00 集合 →乘豪華旅遊巴途經深中通道前往順德 → 午餐【招積位上芥末鮑魚拼花螺】→順德大良步行街-包下午茶順德馳名雙皮奶 (廣東四大名園清暉園,城市中喧鬧的靜土,遊覽心靈的感悟) →晚上入住 順德海駿達希爾頓國際酒店 →酒店西餐廳享用 豐富海鮮自助晚餐 →尊享酒店豪華室外恆溫泳池→自由活動 (酒店旁邊有天佑城、超市、電影院、美食街、酒吧、棋牌室、KTV等)
Day 2: 酒店享用中西式自助早餐後 →大約10:30點休閒離開酒店→ 網紅打卡點: 海濱漁人碼頭參觀 (浪漫情景式文旅街區,集觀光旅遊、文化創意、婚慶攝影、休閒娛樂、順德美食於一體) →午餐【豪氣沖天-兩濃湯雞煲翅】→下午茶: 老字號《咀香園》(下午茶一人一盅龜苓膏) →送回 九龍塘火車站 自由解散!
報名方法 煩請各位有意參加的校友於 2024 年 10 月 31 日或以前 填妥報名表連同繳付費用的收據/截圖, e-mail : kevin9720@gmail.com 。先到先得
會方將於11月9日前覆實已報名的校友。若已報名但在11月10日仍未接獲會方通知,請與李家浩校友(email: kevin9720@gmail.com) 聯絡。
繳款方法 以轉賬形式付款 (ATM/電話理財/Online)
公司名稱:Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association
滙豐銀行 : 490-038569-838

李家浩 (kevin9720@gmail.com)
楊偉炫 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

校友會主席 廖力行敬上


[Legal Chapter] Continuing Professional Development Course 2024

Dear Ying Wa Old Boys,

We are delighted to invite members of the Legal Chapter to our continuing professional development course. Details of this event are as follows:

  • Date: 18 Oct 2024 (Friday)
  • Time: 7:00pm-8:00 pm (Networking and registration starts from 6:30pm)
  • Venue: Ying Wa College
  • Topic: Private International Law for Transactional Lawyers
  • Speaker: Prof. Dicky Tsang (Class of 1995 F5)
  • CPD Point: 1 (being applied-for, subject to approval by The Law Society of Hong Kong)
  • Fee: $100 (Free of charge for students)

About the course: Private international law has long been regarded as a crucial subject in cross-border litigation, where litigators frequently encounter its principles. It is also highly important for transactional lawyers, though many may not have studied the subject in law school. This seminar aims to provide the foundational concepts of private international law to transactional lawyers unfamiliar with the field, while also serving as a refresher for those with some background in the subject.

Networking dinner: Participants are encouraged to join the after event networking dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant at the participants’ own expense. Details of this optional event will be provided to the participants in due course.

How to join: Members interested to attend please RSVP by contacting Nicolas Chan (Class of 2002 F7), Leo Fong (Class of 2019 F6) or Maurice Yim (Class of 2021 F6), or via email to legalchapter@ywcoba.com on or before 11 Oct 2024.

If you are yet a member of the Legal Chapter, you are cordially invited to click on the link below to sign up. The Legal Chapter is dedicated to connecting and empowering old boys with experience or an interest in the legal profession, including members of the judiciary, barristers, solicitors, law costs draftsmen, law school staff, law students, and paralegals. 

JOIN THE LEGAL CHAPTER: https://forms.gle/aZBkxkC3kEkW9zdA7

Warm regards,
YWCOBA Legal Chapter

The New Prizes/Scholarships Honouring Ying Wa “Superheroes”

Dear Old Boys,

I am writing to extend an invitation for you to join us in a meaningful initiative to honour the legacy of six extraordinary individuals who have significantly shaped the history of Ying Wa College (Anglo-Chinese College). We propose establishing scholarships in their names to recognize their invaluable contributions to the College’s development in different stages. These scholarships will be awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and achievement in various fields.

We aim to commemorate the contributions of:

“Superheroes” Areas of Scholarship
Rev Dr. Robert MORRISON
(Founder and President of Anglo-Chinese College)
Core Values
(Excellent performance in both academic and conduct)
Dr. William MILNE
(Founding Principal of Ying Wa College)
(Outstanding Leadership)
Dr. James LEGGE
(7th Principal of Ying Wa College)
Cultural Development
(Promotion and development of Chinese and Western culture) 
Rev. CHEUNG Chuk Ling
(Pastor of To Tsai Church and a pivotal figure in the school’s development)
Promotion of Christianity
(Committed in spreading of gospels and promotion of Christian activities)
Principal SHIM Wai Chong Richard:
(English teacher, Sports Master, and the 10th Principal of the College who played a crucial role in the College’s preservation)
Student Ambassadors
(Leaders of Student Ambassadors who have excellent performance)
Principal Herbert NOBLE:
(Teacher and 12th Principal of Ying Wa College)
Community Service
(Most dedicated in serving the community)

(Please click here to see the enclosed for a brief summary of these superheroes)

Your generous donation will be instrumental in ensuring the success of this initiative, perpetuating the legacy of these “superheroes” of Ying Wa, supporting the future development of your junior brothers and enhancing the solidarity of this “Home of Our Youth”. We would be profoundly grateful for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Dion Chen, MH




開放日期 : 2024年7月20日、8月3日、8月10日
開放時段 : 下午12時半至3時半
入場費用 : 三個時段合共 港幣$ 120,18歲小童以下免費。
校友名額 : 50位 (先到先得)


  1. 報名者須為英華書院校友會會員
  2. 每位校友最多可帶同5位直系親屬(配偶及子女)



  1. 請留意個人健康狀況,如有不適或皮膚病請勿使用。
  2. 自備個人梳洗用品和儲物櫃鎖,活動當天完結後須將物品全部帶走。保持更衣室清潔。
  3. 學校提供少量免費泊車位,報名時先登記並獲確認。

趙梓弘校友 (2003) ivan11052003@yahoo.com.hk
李啓暘校友 (2004) kaiyeung1212@gmail.com


2024年6月28 日

[14 June 2024] YWCOBA Legal Chapter Networking Drinks @ Central

YWCOBA Legal Chapter will host a networking drinks on 14 June 2024 (Friday). Old boys interested to attend please RSVP by contacting the Legal Chapter Team (legalchapter@ywcoba.com).

Details of the drinks are as follows:
Date: 14 June 2024 (Friday) (1830-2100)
Venue: Stormies at Central Market, Central
Drinks arrangements: HK$220 (2 selected drinks included)

To join the YWCOBA Legal Chapter, we cordially invite you to complete the Google form provided in the link below https://forms.gle/aZBkxkC3kEkW9zdA7.

We also kindly request your assistance in spreading the word by forwarding this message to all old boys in the legal profession. Together, let’s strengthen our network and bring them back to our vibrant community.

Best regards
YWCOBA Legal Chapter Team

205th Anniversary Tote Bag

The Student Council of Ying Wa College has designed a 205th Anniversary Special Edition Tote Bag to celebrate this memorable occasion of the Ying Wa family. Alumni of Ying Wa College can order the Student Council tote bag at $100 each (Bag + Donation). Simply fill out this Google Order Form (https://forms.gle/x3rpfSBsodgnNmoo9) and submit your order together with the payment record on or before 19th June 2024.

205th Anniversary Tote Bag
Colour: White
Size: 35x39cm
Straps: Handheld Strap and Shoulder Strap (Removable)

After deducting costs, the surplus will be allocated to Ying Wa College Student Council as operational funds. Thank you very much for your support.
YWCOBA Souvenir
Meanwhile, alumni may also make online orders of a range of YWCOBA souvenir, namely the tie clip, umbrella, and polo shirt here (https://ywcoba.com/ywcoba-souvenir-ordering/)

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cherry Tsui at 2748 5813