Ying Wa Archive Room Treasure

The Ying Wa College Archivist has completed cataloguing the donations of heritage artifacts from alumni celebrating the Ying Wa College 200th Anniversary. Some of the artifacts have been used in exhibitions and commemorative publications.

Ms Jane Sze has recorded about 70 groups of donations. All catalogued items are now packed in accordance with archival practice with preservative materials. They will be available for viewing and research in the Archives Room with prior permission and arrangements ( email address being skyj@yingwa.edu.hk)

Our applause and appreciation to Archivist Ms Jane Sze for her splendid work!!

英華書院長跑日 家長、校友及老師邀請賽



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THE KING AND I: A Short History of Mr Rex King

by Albert KingFan Ng (YWC 1977)

It was 24 Jan 2023 (Tu), two days before Australia Day. I finally located Mr Rex King, Principal of Ying Wa College 1972-1978. A blessing, we have crossed paths with each other for 5 years as I was a Ying Wa boy 1972-1977. When I called him on the phone, the voice on the other end sounded a bit hesitant as if he was talking to a “stranger” who was one of his tens of thousands of students from decades gone by. But once the ice was broken, we had a decent 3-minute talk on the phone and arranged the rendezvous with “the Godfather of Hong Kong public exams” I later jokingly referred to him as.

His residence is basically a home for senior retirees with independent living: he has his own apartment on the ground floor with a lounge, a kitchen, a bedroom and a washroom. There are staff on duty round-the-clock catering to the needs of the residents. Meals are provided and the seniors mingle and enjoy communal living. He purchased this current residence over a decade ago. This was financed by a property he purchased when he first moved to Adelaide at the age of 60. That first property he bought had a seaview from the balcony and the house was freestanding on a block of land. The value of that house tripled over a decade when he sold it. When he was in Hong Kong, he owned an apartment in Kwun Tong in Kowloon; then he moved to Hong Kong Island. The value of the property hiked when he left Hong Kong. With the proceeds, he purchased the posh house in Adelaide upon resettlement.

Once I stepped into his apartment, I spotted a stack of photos on the coffee table in the lounge. My photo with my name printed on it was on the top page. How meticulously prepared was this old man who lost very little of his drive to perfection!

As we sat down and briefly introduced ourselves, we started touching on the many anecdotes of our days in YWC, and a few names were mentioned. But what I really wanted to find out on this mission was the howabouts and lwhereabouts of this man, an almost god-like figure in my 5 years with him, before he entered YWC and after he left YWC. That is the gap I was eager to fill.

He revealed that he once had an elder sister two years his senior but she fell off the horse that got frightened by a piece of falling paper and an oncoming car. Riding bareback, she was thrown off the horse and died. Mr King was barely twelve and from then on, he was never on horseback. That obviously left a traumatic dent on everyone in the family and he became the only child in the house.

He lived on a sheep farm and used to do all sorts of farmwork including milking the cow. He also perfected the skill of delivering a lamb single-handedly. With one foot on the sheep’s neck and the other on its behind to immobilise the mother, he pulled the lamb out from the sheep’s womb with both hands, sometimes putting his hands into the sheep to deliver the baby lamb. The lambs were sold on the market: that was the major source of income. Another source of income was from sheep shearing.

His father worked at an abattoir, mainly in the office, not a worker slaughtering the animals. He was into heavy smoking and alcohol. He died of a heart attack in his 40s. That is why Mr King touched neither in his whole life. His dad also missed joining the New Zealand Army in the World War because he had crossed toes and it was his deep regret when his mates all went to war. His dad also bought a large acreage for farming and a Ford model T2 which was left behind for them. Mr King learnt his driving using the T2 which he had to wind a handle to start the car (like lighting the spark plug in a modern car). After his father died, his mother took over the chores of the farm. After he entered university, he would still return to the farm to help out during holiday breaks.

He was a 100% country boy as he used to live half an hour from the nearest town, Invercargill, the southernmost city of New Zealand. People often say if you take one more step you’ll fall off the world. It frosts in the morning about 20 days a year. So Mr King went to school with frost all over his legs as shorts were worn for the school uniform. He started off wanting to major in Maths but found himself not coping at a higher level. He dropped Maths and majored in English instead. He earned two degrees, one from the University of Otago in Dunedin and the other from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.

In New Zealand, he served a mandatory 6-month conscription as bugle boy. But whenever he played the bugle at home, the dogs would keep barking. He learnt to use all sorts of firearms but missed serving in the Korean War (which happened too early for his age) and the Vietnam War (which started too late).

His coming to Hong Kong was in fact his own choice. He studied Hong Kong from many editions of the Hong Kong Yearbook before the journey (again a tell-tale sign of his meticulous personality). He came as a missionary teacher with the United Church of Christ (UCC) which merged the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. He arrived in 1963 and spent 2 years as an English teacher in Ho Fook Tong College near Castle Peak which was still a small fishing village then. He then accepted the offer of principalship at Ming Yin College in Shek Kip Mei in Kowloon. He was actually involved from its construction to its opening and then its operation as a school. He had fond memories of Ming Yin College, the youngest school then that he pioneered. He also treasured his time in YWC as it is the oldest school. We also discussed the dispute on the oldest school reputation of YWC, the Malacca phase of YWC and Morrison, etc.

He remembered visiting 3 Hong Kong Governors in their house through his connection with a Hong Kong high ranking official whose name he evaded. He couldn’t quite recall which Governors but upon prompting, he named Edward Youde, David Wilson and one other. I mentioned Murray MacLehose but he didn’t concur. He said it was not David Trench. It’s most likely Christopher Patten but he couldn’t name him. But he remembered on one occasion David Trench picked up an English textbook in his school and criticised the standard. When I asked who his most favourite Hong Kong Governor was during his 33 years in Hong Kong, he said it’s between Edward Youde and David Wilson, but definitely not Murray MacLehose.

He also remembered quite clearly the 1967 riot when he was principal of Ming Yin College. Xenophobia prevailed and anti-Western slogans were written all over the walls of Shek Kip Mei. But his school remained open during the whole riot. There was even one student who went to school on foot all the way from Tsuen Wan to Shek Kip Mei at that time, he recalled.

He also recalled getting a friend from New Zealand to teach in Ming Yin College. This New Zealander later became the first principal of Ming Kei College in Tai Kok Tsui in Kowloon, using Ming Yin College as its campus before the construction of its own premises. This gentleman is J K Walls.

After he left YWC in February 1978 (the same year I left YWC), he joined the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). To enhance his knowledge, he pursued a master degree in education/exam in HKU under the mentorship of Alan Brimer (HKU Dean of Education then), the leading figure in school examinations in the world. Mr King was promoted to Deputy Secretary General (1992–1996) in HKEAA. He was very proud of that as he knew how important he was in that position since public examinations is THE thing in Hong Kong.

During his 19-year tenure in HKEEA, two interesting events stood out from the rest. In the early days of his tenure, the English Examination Paper, after it was finalised, had to be shipped overseas for printing and shipped back to Hong Kong before the exam. While unloading at the wharf, the cargo carrying the exam papers fell off and broke. The papers were scattered all over. The disaster was irreparable. Mr King and his team had to prepare the exam paper anew on Saturday and hand-print it on Sunday. Just in time to be distributed for the exam. The whole event was kept secret from the public. After this accident, the exam paper was printed locally. Then came the next event. One year a part-time worker in the printing room intended to smuggle out an English Exam Paper but was caught red-handed by Mr King.

He also mentioned how crazy Hong Kong parents could be. Students would be coached by private tutors and they worked on sample exam papers. Mr King made every effort to collect the sample papers from these private tutors and made sure that the actual exam paper was set as differently as possible from the sample papers. What a smart gweilo!

He revealed that while working at HKEAA, he missed frontline teaching a lot which is his greatest passion. In his spare time, he offered volunteer work as English teacher two evenings a week at St. Andrew’s Church in Tsimshatsui. He also initiated the Summer with a Purpose (SWAP) program, a 4-week English camp for secondary school students during the summer holiday. There was a quota of 30+ and he allocated half of it to Ying Wa boys. My niece’s husband, Daniel YiuKwok To (YWC 1998) was one of the participants in the SWAP program. We visited Mr King together in this Adelaide trip. After relocating to Adelaide, he was still active in volunteer teaching in the local community, mainly teaching Chinese migrant students for some 12 years before complete retirement. He is definitely a teacher at heart through and through.

I also commented on his accent or rather lack of KIWI accent during our chat. To my understanding, he came to Hong Kong in his 20s, an age most would retain their accent. His answer was that his accent was mid-Pacific which is a hybrid of New Zealand, Hong Kong and Australia.

Regarding his ancestry, he remarked that his surname came from someone who played the role of KING in a medieval pageant in the 14th to 15th century. Mr King was a 4th generation New Zealander who migrated from Australia. He reconfirmed that he was not of convict stock!

When I asked him about his choice of retiring in Adelaide instead of New Zealand, his answer was that he preferred a place not as busy as Hong Kong but more vibrant than New Zealand, kind of the middle of the road. These days, he does morning walks in the neighbourhood as exercise and plays snooker with his friends in the residence. In fact someone called him for a game during our visit but he turned him down. He usually spends an hour daily playing snooker. He is good enough to have a break of 20s, a skill that requires sinking at least 3 colour balls.

When asked to recommend a novel or an author to us (since he majored in English), he said he couldn’t. He spends most of his time on the internet these days. He used to play cricket at a young age. These days he watches sports on TV instead, but he’s not fanatic. He usually goes to bed at 10-11pm. Before going to bed, he watches TV, mostly on recorded news and documentaries.

Regarding his health, I deliberately left it to the end as I wasn’t sure if he wanted to discuss that. I bought him some cakes and fresh fruits. His immediate comment was 2/10 for cakes and 10/10 for fruits because he is type 2 diabetic. But he did eat a cheesecake in quite high spirits. He was adamant that physically he’s still in top shape. Just his memory at times gets the better of him. He also revealed that he successfully fought off 2 bouts of cancers, bowel cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Both have been in remission for a long time.

I think it’s important to put some notes on my meeting with this 85-yr-old, a man I once found formidable. He is a living testimony of “West meets East” in the last century particularly for his contribution to HK. There is so much he wants to get off his chest, maybe before his memory starts to twindle. I have tried my best to cross-check some of the facts, especially names and times, on the internet. I have also omitted some stories which are either contradictory in timing or irrelevant to most of us. It’s still possible that some of his recollections could be slightly inaccurate. He told me that if he were to write his biography, it would be in 3 sections: 26 years in New Zealand, 33 years in Hong Kong, and the 26+ years in Adelaide. I feel obliged to at least accomplish part of that in writing before it’s too late.


We had a second meeting, dinner in a Chinese restaurant, on 27 Jan 2023. When I dropped him off after dinner in his residence, I farewelled him at the gate and told him that we would see each other next time I visit Adelaide. He replied, “Could be in my cemetery.” My heart sank and this old man slowly disappeared in the distance.

Further Reading:


YWCOBA Startups Sharing: NLP (自然語言處理) in Professional and Customer Services

Date: 10 January 2023 (Tue)
Time: 7:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m
Place: Hong Kong Medical Association – Central Club House
2/F, The Chinese Club Building, 21-22 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong

Fee: HK$400 for members / HK$480 for non-members / HK$200 for GAP member university student

(Chinese banquet is included in the dine-out sharing talk)

Guests of Honor:
Colin Hong 洪振東 (YWC 1988)
Co-founder and CEO of DeepTranslate

Chris Shum 岑潮輝 (YWC 1995)
Co-founder and CFO of AsiaBots

Jovian Ling 林正輝 (YWC 2003)
Co-founder and CEO of Set Sail Software

For seat reservation, please learn more and register via the link ( https://bit.ly/3WrBCb9 )!  Come with your missed classmates and make it a YWC reunion for yourselves!! 

Notice of AGM – Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting for the year 2022 of Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“YWCOBA”) will be convened and held at Ying Wa College ,  Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong on Thursday, the 24th day of November 2022 at 7:30p.m.

There will be a dinner after the AGM at Noble Hall, RSVP to register your seat by filling in the Google form  Here  before noon 21st November 2022

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Gareth Ng ( garethckng@gmail.com ) or Mr. Rex Liu ( rexlh.liu@gmail.com )

Yours faithfully,

YWCOBA Executive Committee 

英華行 2022

敬啟者:「英華教育基金」由校友會於 2012 年成立,集合校友、學校、校董會及家長教師會等多方資源力量,為學校籌募經費,讓學校有更充裕的資源去提升英華學生的學術水平及各種天賦才華。有見及此,「英華教育基金」每年都連同書院、小學、兩個家長教師會,以及校友會舉辦步行籌款活動,藉此籌募經費。

英華行是結合書院、小學和校友的大型活動,希望透過此活動能加深英華一家的情誼。今年的英華行的活動名為「英華行 2022」。一如以往,誠邀書院、小學及校友一同參與。

活動日期 2022 年 12 月 10 日(星期六)

1. 參與者可以按自身能力,選擇以下路線或其他路線,以步行或跑步形式完成路程。
2. 參與者需於指定時段先到童軍會東涌營地(東涌海濱長廊香港童軍總會大嶼山區東涌活動中心)集合,拍攝團體合照留念,合照後即可起步,行畢路程無需再返回集合地點。
3. 報名時參與者先選擇一個集合時段,但由於場地人數有限制,參與者或被編配至其他時段。大會於活動日期之前再通知參與者最終編配時段。

第一個時段 09:00-09:30
第二個時段 10:30-11:00
第三個時段 12:00-12:30
第四個時段 14:00-14:30
第五個時段 15:30-16:00

活動詳情請參考附件   <  英華行 2022 YWCOBA  >

英華行2022 詳細路線圖 < Walkaton 2022 Routes   > 

如有任何疑問,可致電英華書院 (852) 2336 8838與徐小姐聯絡。



英華書院校友會主席  | 英華教育基金會主席    謹啓


Application for DSS-S1 Places in Academic Year 2023-2024

Dear members,

Ying Wa College (“YWC”) will start open recruitment of Secondary 1 students for the year 2023/24 from 12th November 2022 to 26th November 2022. I am glad to inform you that the Association has liaised with YWC to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Secondary 1 of YWC subject to the following conditions :-

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of the Association for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline stated below).
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the required standard set by YWC.

If your son is interested to apply for a Secondary 1 place in YWC, you must make the application directly to YWC. You can either apply through online system in YWC webpage or download the application form and submit it together with other required documents by mail or in person to YWC. For details, please go to http://www.yingwa.edu.hk , then click
Menu>Admissions>S.1 Admission Information and Procedures.

Moreover, the S.1 Admission Briefing will be held on 12th November 2022 at 2:30pm. If you want to reserve the seats, please register online starting at 10:00am on 31st October 2022 (Monday). Please visit the website of Ying Wa College (http://www.yingwa.edu.hk , then click Menu>Admissions>Application) for details of this admission briefing.

If you wish the Association to render assistance, please submit the soft copies of the Application Form, P4 school report (final term only), and P5 school reports (all year) in PDF format to the Convenor for Student Affairs via Ms Cherry Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before Saturday, the 26th November 2022.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenors for Student Affairs, Ng King Him (93582756) or Ivanhoe Ko (92674830); or email: ngkinghim@yahoo.com.hk or ivanhoeko@yahoo.com.hk respectively.

Yours sincerely,

Ng Chi Kwong, Gareth

英華書院長跑日 家長及校友邀請賽



起跑時間:約9:30am (9:00am 熱身)







有興趣的校友請於 10月22日(星期六)或之前 將中文姓名、屆別及電話號碼發送至1998屆Sunny Chiu (sunny.israel@gmail.com),資料會再轉發至書院負責體育老師作報名用途,謝謝!