校史《皕載英華》英文版 << 香港書展首發會及新書推廣 >>

數年前為慶祝英華書院立基二百年,特成立編輯委員會撰著校史《皕載英華》。是書出版以來,屢獲史家學人引用。編委會今夏再推出校史英文版 Two Centuries of Excellence: The Bicentennial History of Ying Wa College。全書共五百多頁,計十餘萬言,當中收錄了多幅未在中文版刊登的影像,如 1845 年士丹頓街校舍地契、1914 年復校首屆的招生廣告、鈕寶璐校長二戰期間被俘記錄等,皆彌足珍貴。現只需捐款$500 以上至教育基金,便獲送贈英文本校史一冊。此英文本校史亦將於「香港書展 2022」舉行新書首發會,並邀得陳狄安校長、陳美娟校長和部份作者、編輯等為到場讀者簽名。此外,凡到場「拍照打咭」之英華人,皆可獲贈紀念品乙份,名額有限,先到先得。請踴躍參與。

日期 2022 年 7 月 22 日(星期五)
時間 19:30-20:30
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Application for admission to Primary 1 of Ying Wa Primary School

Dear Members,

Ying Wa Primary School (“YWPS”) will accept applications for admission to Primary 1 students for the year 2023/24 between 20th July 2022 to 24th July 2022 through online system.

I am glad to inform you that Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association (“YWCOBA”) has liaised with YWPS to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Primary 1 of YWPS subject to the following conditions :-

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of YWCOBA for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline).
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the minimum standard of academic capability as set by the Headmistress of the School.

If your son wishes to apply for a Primary 1 place in YWPS, you are required to make the online application and submit to YWPS directly. You may wish to get the latest information about the application from the website of YWPS (http://www.yingwaps.edu.hk) and make inquiry to YWPS for details of the application if necessary.

If you wish YWCOBA to render assistance in the application, please remember to print a copy of the application form before proceeding to the page for payment of the application fee. You should then send the copy of the application form together with the confirmation  mail with an application number from YWPS to the office of Ying Wa College for the  attention of Ms. Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before 25th July 2022 (Monday).

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenor for Student Affairs, Mr Ng King Him at 93582756 or Mr Ivanhoe Ko at 92674830.

Yours sincerely,

Gareth Ng

英華行 2022傳承線上走




活動名稱 英華行 2022傳承線上走
內容 線上英華行:展望所有英華人,不受地域距離限制,於線上為英華努力,籌募經費給「英華教育基金」
活動期間 2022年6月20日至2022年7月25日 (包括首尾兩日)
活動時間 參與者可以選擇自己的英華行時間,只要在2022年6月20日至2022年7月25日內完成即可。
自由路線 參與者可以自由設計路線,選擇任何自然教育徑、海濱長廊、城市街道或其他合適路段。參與者只需把選定的組別路程距離完成,即視為完成活動


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2. 5公里組別 (中距離,合適有作日常運動之參與者,完成者可獲得5公里達成電子證書及紀念品乙份。)

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1. 量度行走距離及時間之裝備或軟件,例如智能手機的APPS, 運動型手錶上的測量工具即可。在完成活動後,參與者可以透過手機截圖,或拍下手錶上的數據以證明完成所揀選組別之行走距離。再把截圖或相片傳載給大會。

2. 拍照工具,例如智能手機或專業相機。參與者需在活動過程中拍攝一張照片(參與者必須被攝於當中),完成活動後,參與者需要把該照片傳載給大會作親身參與的紀錄。

攝影比賽     (自由參與) 大會設有最佳攝影比賽。如參與者希望把紀錄照片投稿到最佳攝影比賽,可在上載照片時報名參加最佳攝影比賽。大會將會從參與者遞交的活動照片中選出最優秀的30張作品,入選者將獲頒精美紀念品一份。(主辦單位保留最終決定權)
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參與者請到下列超連結或QR Code填寫電子版的報名表格


完成活動後,請於6月20日至7月25日期間到下列超連結或QR Code上載紀錄及照片。(只可上載一次)




防疫注意 因應疫情,請各參與者遵守防疫措施,保持合適社交距離。

如有任何疑問,可致電英華書院2336 8838與徐小姐聯絡。





[Notice] Application for Admission to Primary 1 of Ying Wa Primary School

Dear Members,

YWPS will accept applications for admission to Primary 1 students for the year 2021/22 between 30th July 2020 and 1st August 2020 through online system.  I am glad to inform you that Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association (“YWCOBA”) has liaised with YWPS to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Primary 1 of YWPS subject to the following conditions: 

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of YWCOBA for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline stated below).  
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the minimum standard of academic capability as set by the principal of the School. 

If your son wishes to apply for a Primary 1 place in YWPS, you are required to make the online application and submit to YWPS directly.  You may wish to get the latest information about the application from the website of YWPS (http://www.yingwaps.edu.hk) and make inquiry to YWPS for details of the application if necessary.

If you wish YWCOBA to render assistance in the application, please remember to print a copy of the application form before proceeding to the page for payment of the application fee.  You should then send the copy of the application form together with the confirmation email with an application number from YWPS to the office of Ying Wa College with attention to Ms. Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before 3rd August 2020 (Monday). 

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenor for Student Affairs, Mr. Ng King Him at 9358 2756 or email (ngkinghim@yahoo.com.hk). 

Yours sincerely, 

Gareth Ng
Chairman, YWCOBA


致 英華校友:



YWPS 2021-2022 P1 Admission Seminar & Webinar

Dear YWCOBA Members

Please be informed that the 2021-2022 Primary 1 admission seminar of YWPS will be held on 25/7/2020. There will have 2 identical sessions held from 10:00am to 11:30am and 2:00pm to 3:30pm for 350 participants each while an online instant webinar could be accommodated up to 2,600 participants to join for each session. If you want to reserve a seat to attend the on-site seminar or joining the webinar, please make the registration online at YWPS webpage (https://www.yingwaps.edu.hk/) at 9:00am on 2/7/2020.

For details, please refer to the link below:

Convenor for Students Affairs

[ Milestones Marking the Birth of Ying Wa College]

The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (1817-1822) & The General Plan of the Anglo-Chinese College forming at Malacca (October 1818) has came home. ⛪️

The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (ICG), an English quarterly magazine published by the Anglo-Chinese College in Malacca from 1817* to 1822, is a pioneer publication introducing to Western readers a wide range of topics including the literature, culture and politics of China and Asia. It is one of the first English magazines published in Asia, an important milestone in the history of protestant missionary work in Asia.

For Ying Wa boys, the ICG is also an important milestone: it is one of the first items ever printed and published by Ying Wa College which also contains key information on the founding and early history of Ying Wa College. The ICG served as the platform for Ying Wa and its members to share news and their latest findings on various topics, almost like a Facebook page for the first 5 years of Ying Wa.

The ICG is also the brainchild of Robert Morrison and William Milne (from its origination, direction, contribution of articles to its finance), and very likely its printing was physically handled by Leung Faat (in his capacity as the chief Chinese printing worker of Ying Wa).

In Morrison’s own words, the ICG: “intended to promote the same objects as the College, “The reciprocal cultivation of English and Chinese literature, and the diffusion of Christian sentiments.””

A group of 17 old boys from Morrison House, Milne House and Leung Faat House, after 4 months of extensive research and planning, with assistance from and consultation with Ying Wa College and YWC Heritage & Archives (Chapter of OBA), purchased a near complete set of the ICG from a reputable antique book dealer in London, and brought it back home tonight.

This set of the ICG was also bound with the rare and valuable 3-page prospectus of Ying Wa dated October 1818 and named “General Plan of the Anglo-Chinese College forming at Malacca”, which was printed for general distribution in Malacca before the ceremony of laying the foundation stone.

Heart felt appreciation to all donors for their support on this project. They are:

Lead Donors
Ma Chung Ho (1992)
Hau Wai Man (1992)
Chan Yuk Wah (1995)
Lo Yu Hin (1995)
Tso Wing Yin (1995)
Heyse Ngan (1997)
Li Chun Wai (1999)
Chan Kwun Yin (2000)
Brian Li (2000)
Long Ngan (2000)

Supporting Donors
Fong Chin Wan (1967)
Ho Chung Hang (1995)
Tam Yee Lak (1995)
Lee Chun Wai Simon (1998)
Huang Wai Ka (1999)

Junior Donors
Chan Sui Yuen (1998)
Ng Chi Wai (2000)

The spirit of bringing the ICG and the General Plan back to Ying Wa is more than preserving an old book. While Morrison, Milne, Leung and our Malacca campus are long gone and no where to be found, this very object is now back in our hands. Its presence would help generations of Ying Wa boys to transcend time and space to the very beginning of our mother school.

If you are interested to make similar donation to help bring our cultural relics back to the Home of Our Youth, please feel free to contact us.

To find out more about the ICG, see 皕載英華 p137 to 139. Online versions of the ICG are available from the following links

State Library of Berlin:

*The printing press, completed before the laying of the foundation stone of the school on 11 Nov 1818, was considered as part of the College.

#history #missionary #heritage #old_publications #yingwacollege #Anglo_ChineseCollege #Indo_Chinese_Gleaner #ICG #RobertMorrison #WilliamMilne #LeungFaat #yingwaboy #ywcoba

《那些年.那齣戲》 英華書院校友會文物檔案組 編撰






《皕載英華》沒有記載太多關於學校戲劇的歷史,如想勾起回憶,請參閱《皕載》第八章 <乘時因勢 砥礪奮發>,頁457。

#文化 #藝術 #舞台劇 #戲劇教育 #差利卓別靈 #英華 #京力士校長 #葉秀賢老師 #香港華字日報 #九如坊戲院 #英華仔 #ywcoba