Ying Wa Golf Day 2017 – 22nd November (Wednesday)

Ying Wa OBA Annual Golf Tournament

Dear alumni and fellow golfers,

Please note that the 2017 Ying Wa OBA Annual Golf Tournament will be held on the 22nd of November (Wednesday). Similar to last year the tournament will be held at the South Course of Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course. Please see attached the enrollment form. Deadline of the enrollment will be on the 6th November so please hurry up.

To celebrate the school’s 200th anniversary, participants of the event will receive memorable souvenirs in addition to our usual prizes and takeaways. New joiners are particularly welcome.

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this event please feel free to contact me by email or at 9091-9810. We also welcome any further sponsor and prizes donation too.

Kind regards,

Gary Liu Hoi Keung

Ying Wa Golf Day Enrollment Form 2017



2018 年將會是母校200周年的大日子,母校將舉辦一連串之慶祝活動。為懷緬200年前馬禮遜牧師 在馬六甲創立英華書院的事蹟,茲定於明年四月六日至九日 (星期五至星期一) 舉辦英華書院歷史文化尋根之旅4天遊,藉此機會認識創校歷史及加強校友之聯繫。


如有查詢或報團,請致電協辦旅行社查詢熱線 2893-4986 或聯絡下列校友:

吳智光  電話:2136-2899

廖力行  電話:6016-3887

已經收到20位人士報名, 欲免向隅,請盡早向旅行社報名!

校友會主席 盧炯宇敬上


<附件>     尋根之旅簡介 /行程表/報名回條 :

2018 – tour notice (with attachement)


Home Coming Concert 2017 (27/5/2017)









Photos of Homecoming Concert – Canteen

Photos of Homecoming Concert – Misc

Photos of Homecoming Concert – Performance

Playlist of video

Invitation to Mentorship Scheme 2017

Message from Student Council of Ying Wa College

17 March 2017

Dear Alumni,

Re: Invitation to Mentorship Scheme 2017

On behalf of the Student Council of Ying Wa College, I am writing to extend an invitation to you to the Mentorship Scheme 2017.

 Jointly organised by the Career Guidance Committee, the English Department, the Old Boys’ Association and the Student Council, the Mentorship Scheme was first launched in 2009. Through interviews with alumni, the scheme serves as a platform on which our fellow students are able to gain insights into their possible career paths. Meanwhile, on this special occasion which brings Ying Wa Boys of different times together, it is hoped that the bond between students and alumni can be strengthened, promoting the Ying Wa Spirit. To ensure students learn effectively from the scheme and consolidate their knowledge on their aspired careers, they will be required to write up a career research report as a piece of English Language homework under the guidance of English teachers.

Thanks to the support of graduates and teachers, the scheme has been a huge success over the past years. The sharing from old boys was insightful and we benefited greatly. This year, the Mentorship Scheme will begin in April. It is our honour to have invited our alumnus, Mr Yip Kwun Lam (葉冠霖), veteran journalist and the radio host of RTHK’s programme “Talkabout”, to be our keynote speaker. The details of the Launching Ceremony are as follows:

 Date:   29 April 2017

Time:   09:00 – 12:00

Venue:  Noble Hall, Ying Wa College

We cordially invite you to become one of the mentors of the scheme this year. We would be more than grateful if you could join us in the Launching Ceremony and be kind enough to initiate follow-up activities for our schoolmates. Attached, please find the introduction and guidelines of the Mentorship Scheme 2017. If you agree to join the programme as a mentor, please kindly provide your personal details by filling in the Google Form at https://goo.gl/2O3k0D . Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s Publicity & Public Relations Officer, Ms. Cherry Tsui, at 2748-5813, or through e-mail at ywcms1617@gmail.com during school hours. We look forward to your favorable reply and wish you every success in the future. 



Yours faithfully,

Chan Hiu Chi Jayson

President, Student Council

Ying Wa College


Approved by,

Chan Cheuk Nang

Chief Advisor, Student Council

Ying Wa College


Notice for Happy Hour Gathering 7th April 2017

Dear Alumni,

 Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

 Date : 7 April 2017, Fri (6:30 to 9:30 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.
Drinks arrangement: $150 per person with two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

 We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys at all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on the Friday evening.

 Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

 Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Philip Yeung
楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)
Kenneth Lau
劉百鈞,1995 (laukenny@yahoo.com)

OBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba


YWCOBA Chinese Year Dinner

Dear Exco members and fellow alumni,

We are delighted announce that YWCOBA is organising a dinner gathering during the coming Chinese new year to celebrate the year of Goat.

Event details as list below.
Event : YWCOBA Chinese Year Dinner 「喜氣洋洋新春團拜」
Date & Time : 26th February 2014 (Thursday) 大年初八8:00pm ( after No.544 Exco meeting )

Venue : Function Rooms, 3/F at The Mira Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui

Price : HK$680 per person

Please kindly complete by 16 February 2015 the attached enrollment form and send it together with a crossed cheque back to the Ying Wa Old Boys’ Association Ltd. c/o Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo; or email the enrollment form and bank pay-in slip to :  rexlh.liu@gmail.com , the bank-in Account Number of YWCOBA with HSBC : 490-038569-001

For any query, please feel free to contact followings:

盧炯宇 (9467 0334 kylo@ytchan.com.hk);
歐偉賓 (9552 6614, benannie@netvigator.com);
張家輝 (9676 2689, faifaic@gmail.com);
廖力行 (6016 3887, rexlh.liu@gmail.com);

Please help forwarding the invitation to other alumni of your years and looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Best Regards,
Rex Liu

Recreation committee
Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association

Application form :

Notice for 2015 Chinese New Year dinner

Fundraising Walkathon 2014「英華行」

Dear alumni,

Please be informed that “Ying Wa Education Foundation” will organize the Fundraising Walkathon 「英華行 」, which shall be held on January 24th, 2015 (Saturday) in the Sha Tau Kok Farm. All parties of the Ying Wa Family – students, teachers & parents of YWC and YWPS, alumni, family & friends are invited to participate in this meaningful event. An invitation notice / donation form with full details of the event is hereby enclosed.

Event : 「英華行 」”Ying Wa Walkathon”

Date : 24th January, 2015 (Saturday)

Walkathon Venue : Sha Tau Kok Farm ( 沙頭角農莊 )

Deadline for enrollment of walkathon : 20th December, 2014 (Saturday)

For your information, “Ying Wa Education Foundation” was established in October 2012 as a charitable organization to pool resources contributed by various stakeholders of the Ying Wa family. Funds have been raised to support the various needs of Ying Wa arising from the many areas of school development. Enclosed for your reference please find a Newsletter of the Ying Wa Education Foundation and the various projects that had bed been supported.

Should there be any query about the enrollment / donation of the Walkathon, please feel free to contact any of the below : KY Lo ( Tel. 94670334 ) / Gareth Ng ( Tel. :  62003922 ) / Cheung Ka Fai ( 96762689 ) Benjamin Au (  Tel. : 95526614 ).

Please help to pass along the invitation notice / donation form to other alumni to enroll in the Walkathon or to sponsor other old boys to participate in this meaningful event.

Thanks & best regards,
Benjamin Au
Honorary Secretary

Walkathon notice(revised)

YWEF Newsletter 2014-11-20 (20141120) with signature

Cheung Kwok For John Passed Away

Dear all,.

It is with sadness to inform you that Cheung Kwok For John (old boy 1967) passed away on 20 August 2014. John had served in the Executive Committee of the Old Boys’ Association for some years. John was always sincere and positive and willing to lend his helping hands to others – an unsung hero truly. Our thoughts are with his family.

Details of John Cheung’s Funeral:






關於訂購195周年校慶紀念特刊事宜, 請留意以下事項:

1. 如訂購了特刊, 又選擇了郵遞收書的校友, 書冊會陸續寄出。 校務處也會用SMS通知各位。

2. 如果訂購了特刊, 但選擇親身取書者, 請於辦公時間到英華書院辦事處取書。 辦公時間如下:
     星期一至五     上午9時至12時,   下午2時至4 時
     星期六            上午9時至12時

3.  至於之前未訂購, 但現在有興趣購買特刊的校友, 請聯絡你們的班代表, 由班代表統籌向辦事處鍾小姐購買。


Dear alumni,

Attached please find the order form of the 195th School Anniversary Publication 《薪火相傳》.  Anyone who would like to order, please fill in the order slip together with the  cheque payment and  send  back to the YWC Office lastet by May  30th, 2014 (Friday). 

 Order form of the 195th School Anniversary Publication 《薪火相傳》特刊

Thanks & best regards,
Benjamin Au

Honorary Secretary


Sports News (HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014)

Dear all,
I am writing to inform you that our boys ( YWC basketball Team) will compete in the HK interschool basketball 2014. We are the defending champion this year.  This tournament will be held in Harbour Road Sports Centre, Wanchai from 25/6 to 6/7/2014.   The followings are the important dates :

Schedule amended on 01/07

01/07     –   08:45;;余二
03/07     –   14:45;培英
05/07     –   08:45;基新/港華
              –   10:45;永光/可風
06/07     –   13:15;漢華/王少清
              –   14:45;拔萃/裘錦秋
              –   16:30;桂華山 

Please do come and support our boys and the fixture is attached. May I also ask you to pass around this information to your YW buddies.

Lee Wai Lun
Sport Convener

Detail of HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014