2019 April Monthly Happy Hour Notice

Dear Alumni,

You’re cordially invited to join YWCOBA Monthly Happy Hour Gathering specially organized for Ying Wa boys and friends at all ages to network in relaxing environments.  Let’s have an enjoyable night with old friends and new faces!!

Date: 4th April 2019, Thursday (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and beyond)

Venue: Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

Drinks arrangement: OBA Member $150 per head, Non-Member $180 per head

Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.) 

We are dedicated this Happy Hour to all young alumni especially graduated after year 2000. 

We look forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.  Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ywcoba

also https://ywcoba.com/





2019 March Monthly Happy Hour Notice

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys and friends.

Date: 1st March 2019, this Friday (6:30 pm to 10:30 pm, and beyond)
Venue: Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

Drinks arrangement: OBA Member $150 per head, Non-Member $180 per head Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys of all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)
Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)
Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ywcoba




當中更有特別嘉賓 – 英華小學侯任校長!



Taiko Concert II 2019

Ying Wa College Music Union presents: Taiko Concert II, 2019 ( 日本太鼓音樂會-貳)

Guest Performers: Daisuke Takagi, Nobuto Yamanaka, Taikokozo and Wadaiko Mamezakura

Date: Feb 23, 2019 (Sat), 7:30-9:30 pm
Venue: Ying Wa College Noble Hall (2/F), Hong Kong

Tickets available at HK$100 (with HK$10 food coupon) from 6:30 pm, Noble Hall (2/F) reception; Food stall with snacks at Noble Hall (3/F) will be available from 6:30-9:30 pm; Free carpark access at Ying Wa Street from 6:30 pm, first-come-first-served;
For public transport, 3 minutes walk from Nam Cheong MTR station at Exit A

Enquiry : musicdept@gmail.com

Concert Patrons:
Fundamentum Limited,
Ying Wa College Parent Teacher Association

英華行 2019



(https://goo.gl/forms/bSgjSrQ7pK4GMwpQ2) ,以便統計參加人數;籌款表格(附頁)及捐款支票則於20/2或之前寄回深水埗英華街1號英華書院校友會徐小姐收。





Letter to appeal for donation to Iles Scholarship in Theological Education

Dear Ying Wa old boys,

At the beginning of 2019, I wish you all a blessed and prosperous new year!

The Bicentennial celebration has concluded successfully in December 2018, with the Banquet held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre as its highlight. While many old boys contributed time, efforts or sponsorships to the celebration activities, there was an old boy, with his love to Ying Wa, donated over 2,600 pieces of “Ying Wa Mug” at the Banquet as a souvenir to each participant in celebration of the bicentenary of his alma mater. Although he preferred to remain anonymous, he humbly hoped that Ying Wa old boys, having received the mug, would honor the founding aim of the College – “The reciprocal cultivation of Chinese and English literature and the diffusion of Christianity” and support the “Terence Iles Scholarship in Theological Education” (the “Iles Scholarship”) by donating HK$100 or more to the fund.

To maintain a healthy balance of the Iles Scholarship fund to perpetually sponsor old boys to pursue their studies in Theological education, your support and contribution to the Iles Scholarship is much appreciated. Please fill in the donation form attached to support the fund!

We thank you for your contribution in advance and look forward to your favourable reply.

Best regards,

Ying Wa College

Ying Wa College Old Boys’Association

Monthly Happy Hour Gathering (1st Feb 2019)

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys and friends.

Date: 1st February 2019, Friday (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and beyond)
Venue: Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

Drinks arrangement: OBA Member $150 per head, Non-Member $180 per head Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys of all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ywcoba



作者 《皕載英華》出版委員會
ISBN 9789620444166 各大書局有售



方展雲(英華書院 1956-1969)
翁永森(英華書院 1956-1969)
劉善鵬(英華書院 1960-1967)
柯保羅(英華書院 1967-1974)
何熙力(英華書院 1978-1983)
張家輝(英華書院 1985-1991)
邱 逸(英華書院 1987-1994)
主席鄭鈞傑(英華書院 1983-1989)
主編張家輝(英華書院 1985-1991)
副主編何熙力(英華書院 1978-1983)
李永權(英華書院 1962-1969)
戴天佑(英華書院 1962-1965)
盧炯宇(英華書院 1975-1982)
羅漢良(英華書院 1983-1990)
鄭紹基(英華書院 1985-1990)
林欣榮(英華書院 1987-1993)
李天豪(英華書院 1990-1997)
陳偉基(英華書院 1990-1997)
梁逸軒(英華書院 1996-2003)
鄺智文(英華書院 1997-2004)
陳子傑(英華書院 2003-2010)



校友會將於 2019 年 2 月 21 日(星期四) 舉行豬年新春團拜晚宴,敬備吉祥菜餚及多款餐酒,歡迎各位校友攜眷參加。詳情如下:

日期 2019 年 2 月 21 日(星期四,正月十七)
時間 晚上8 時正
地點 尖沙咀美麗華酒店3 樓宴會廳
費用 每位HK$680
報名方法 煩請各位有意參加團拜的校友於 2019 年 2 月 18 日或以前 填妥報名表連同繳付費用的收據/截圖,
e-mail : philip.yeungwy@gmail.com 會方將於2月19日覆實已報名的校友。若已報名但在2月20日仍未接獲會方通知,請致電 9233 9040 與楊偉炫校友聯絡。
繳款方法 A:以轉賬形式付款 (ATM/電話理財/Online)
公司名稱:Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association
匯豐 : 490-038569-838
B : 繳費靈支付費用:
– 使用互聯網: www.ppshk.com
– 使用音頻電話: 致電 18011 (英語) 或 18033 (廣東話)
– 商戶編號: 6578
– 賬單號碼: 您的六位數字校友會員編號(不包括英文字母)


校友會主席 盧炯宇敬上

二零一九 年 一 月 八 日