From Ying Wa Re: Indoor Swimming Pool Project – Fundraising Campaign

Dear Ying Wa old boys,

As you may be aware, the construction work of the School Campus Improvement Project (Swimming Pool) is running at full throttle now. It is going to be a great addition to the campus and will constitute an extra avenue to create an even more conducive and vibrant school environment for our students and the whole school community upon its completion. With such school needs in mind, it is high time that the school kick-started our fundraising initiatives and we elicit your generous support of your alma mater by making a donation so that ultimately, we can all share the abounding joy when the project comes to fruition.

Our fundraising target for old boys is 10 million dollars with due consideration of the expenditure to be incurred for the construction, operation and long-term maintenance of the swimming pool – costs directly attributed to the project. The projected aggregate costs amount to 82 million dollars approximately as at now. There will possibly be additional expenditure incurred such as variation orders, pertaining to features like the Multi-purpose Room underneath the pool. Operation costs covering water and electricity costs as well as expenses for hiring qualified lifeguards will also be incurred. It is thus very evident that an enormous amount of school resources have to be earmarked for this project.  Although the school will be in a healthy financial position in the years to come, the various facets of sustainable school development necessitate prudent use of normal income; therefore the indoor swimming pool project should not pose any financial burden on the school and fundraising for the project is highly necessary.

Please find the attached newsletter concerning the fundraising campaign for Ying Wa old boys.  We are counting on your support and will be deeply grateful for your contribution. A donation form is attached to the newsletter and donations can be made via cheques payable to Ying Wa College.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Allan Cheng

Ying Wa College
1 Ying Wa Street

Tel: (852) 23368838
Fax: (852) 23361920

P.S. Please feel free to forward the newsletter to the other old boys you know.  Thank you.

School Campus Improvement Project (Swimming Pool) Old Boys’ Newsletter 2015-09-30 (signed)

Ying Wa College Home Coming Concert 2015 ( with Photos/videos )








節目表 ( 2015/5/26 更新 )

節目表 ( 2015/5/26 更新 )


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Sports News (30/5/2015)

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽

中五林柏榮,1分27.92秒 破大會甲組五百米紀錄。比賽中段,曾落後紀錄保持者9m,形勢險峻,幸好及時在最後 150 米追平對手,最尾以僅僅3m艇位勝出,並連續兩年,先後勇破乙組及甲組五百米室內划艇賽紀錄!

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽



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Ying Wa College North America Music Tour (Pre-tour Concerts)

Dear old boys,

Please be informed that Ying Wa College is organizing North America Music Tour which will be held from 26 June to 7 July this year.  We will be visiting University of Toronto, Eastman School of Music in University of Rochester and State University of New York at Fredonia.  A series of pre-tour concerts will be held this month and the details are listed as follows:
Pre-tour Concert Asia Society
Pre-tour Concert 1
Date: 23 May 2015 (Sat)
Time: 2:30pm
Venue: Asia Society Hong Kong Center (9 Justice Drive, Admiralty)
(Free admission)
Pre-tour Concert Mongkok Church
Pre-tour Concert 2
Date: 24 May 2015 (Sun)
Time: 2:30pm
Venue: CCC Mongkok Church (56 Bute Street, Mongkok) (Old campus of Ying Wa from 1928 to 1963)
(Free admission)
Pre-tour Concert Noble Hall
Pre-tour Concert 3
Date: 25 May 2015 (Mon)
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Noble Hall, Ying Wa College
(Free admission)

You are cordially invited to join us in the above events to support our boys.  Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Best regards,
KK Cheng

Invitation to Mentorship Scheme cum Career Day 2015

The Mentorship Scheme and the Career Day of Ying Wa College will be launched at 9:00am on April 25th, 2015 ( Saturday ) in the Noble Hall of Ying Wa College.  We cordially invite you to become one of the mentors of the programme.

The Mentorship Scheme and the Career Day were first launched in 2009.  While the Mentorship Scheme is initiated by the Old Boys’ Association and the Student Council, the Career Day is an English-Careers education cross-curricular project in which students interview old boys and write up a career research report as a piece of English language homework.

Through interactions with old boys, students are able to gain insights into their aspired careers and possible career paths.  Meanwhile, the programme promotes the bond between students and alumni, bringing Ying Wa Boys of different times together and strengthening the Ying Wa Spirit.

Attached please find the details.  If you agree to join the programme as a mentor, please kindly provide your personal details by filling in the attached excel file and send it back to .

Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Chelton Tsze at 66060860 (tel / whatsapp) or e-mail at .

1415 Mentorship Scheme Proposal

1415 Mentorship Scheme Guidlines

1415 Mentorship Scheme Invitation Letter (with sc paper)

1415 YWC Mentorship Scheme Mentor List Form

Group photo of Career Day 2015

Group photo of Career Day 2015

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