YWPS 2021-2022 P1 Admission Seminar & Webinar

Dear YWCOBA Members

Please be informed that the 2021-2022 Primary 1 admission seminar of YWPS will be held on 25/7/2020. There will have 2 identical sessions held from 10:00am to 11:30am and 2:00pm to 3:30pm for 350 participants each while an online instant webinar could be accommodated up to 2,600 participants to join for each session. If you want to reserve a seat to attend the on-site seminar or joining the webinar, please make the registration online at YWPS webpage (https://www.yingwaps.edu.hk/) at 9:00am on 2/7/2020.

For details, please refer to the link below:

Convenor for Students Affairs

[ Milestones Marking the Birth of Ying Wa College]

The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (1817-1822) & The General Plan of the Anglo-Chinese College forming at Malacca (October 1818) has came home. ⛪️

The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (ICG), an English quarterly magazine published by the Anglo-Chinese College in Malacca from 1817* to 1822, is a pioneer publication introducing to Western readers a wide range of topics including the literature, culture and politics of China and Asia. It is one of the first English magazines published in Asia, an important milestone in the history of protestant missionary work in Asia.

For Ying Wa boys, the ICG is also an important milestone: it is one of the first items ever printed and published by Ying Wa College which also contains key information on the founding and early history of Ying Wa College. The ICG served as the platform for Ying Wa and its members to share news and their latest findings on various topics, almost like a Facebook page for the first 5 years of Ying Wa.

The ICG is also the brainchild of Robert Morrison and William Milne (from its origination, direction, contribution of articles to its finance), and very likely its printing was physically handled by Leung Faat (in his capacity as the chief Chinese printing worker of Ying Wa).

In Morrison’s own words, the ICG: “intended to promote the same objects as the College, “The reciprocal cultivation of English and Chinese literature, and the diffusion of Christian sentiments.””

A group of 17 old boys from Morrison House, Milne House and Leung Faat House, after 4 months of extensive research and planning, with assistance from and consultation with Ying Wa College and YWC Heritage & Archives (Chapter of OBA), purchased a near complete set of the ICG from a reputable antique book dealer in London, and brought it back home tonight.

This set of the ICG was also bound with the rare and valuable 3-page prospectus of Ying Wa dated October 1818 and named “General Plan of the Anglo-Chinese College forming at Malacca”, which was printed for general distribution in Malacca before the ceremony of laying the foundation stone.

Heart felt appreciation to all donors for their support on this project. They are:

Lead Donors
Ma Chung Ho (1992)
Hau Wai Man (1992)
Chan Yuk Wah (1995)
Lo Yu Hin (1995)
Tso Wing Yin (1995)
Heyse Ngan (1997)
Li Chun Wai (1999)
Chan Kwun Yin (2000)
Brian Li (2000)
Long Ngan (2000)

Supporting Donors
Fong Chin Wan (1967)
Ho Chung Hang (1995)
Tam Yee Lak (1995)
Lee Chun Wai Simon (1998)
Huang Wai Ka (1999)

Junior Donors
Chan Sui Yuen (1998)
Ng Chi Wai (2000)

The spirit of bringing the ICG and the General Plan back to Ying Wa is more than preserving an old book. While Morrison, Milne, Leung and our Malacca campus are long gone and no where to be found, this very object is now back in our hands. Its presence would help generations of Ying Wa boys to transcend time and space to the very beginning of our mother school.

If you are interested to make similar donation to help bring our cultural relics back to the Home of Our Youth, please feel free to contact us.

To find out more about the ICG, see 皕載英華 p137 to 139. Online versions of the ICG are available from the following links

State Library of Berlin:

*The printing press, completed before the laying of the foundation stone of the school on 11 Nov 1818, was considered as part of the College.

#history #missionary #heritage #old_publications #yingwacollege #Anglo_ChineseCollege #Indo_Chinese_Gleaner #ICG #RobertMorrison #WilliamMilne #LeungFaat #yingwaboy #ywcoba

《那些年.那齣戲》 英華書院校友會文物檔案組 編撰






《皕載英華》沒有記載太多關於學校戲劇的歷史,如想勾起回憶,請參閱《皕載》第八章 <乘時因勢 砥礪奮發>,頁457。

#文化 #藝術 #舞台劇 #戲劇教育 #差利卓別靈 #英華 #京力士校長 #葉秀賢老師 #香港華字日報 #九如坊戲院 #英華仔 #ywcoba

《那些年 – 那首歌》- 英華書院校友會文物檔案組 編撰

【齊唱校歌】校友一起唱校歌,還有甚麼「兼覓」(gimmick)?有!唱的是一百年前,英華於1914年復校之後早年期校歌” THE YING WA COLLEGE SONG”,大家有沒有唱過?
我們先在英國倫敦大學亞非學院找到了校歌的歌詞(左),其後再在1922年1月23年的英文報章《香港日報》(“Hong Kong Daily Press”)(右)找到了關於當年校歌的描述(深色標示處):” The students then sang “The Ying Wa College Song”; it is based on “The British Grenadiers” and rendered very slowly to the strains of a harmonium, it rather lacked the martial ardour of the original. The first verse ran:- The students boast in England……”可知當年校歌是根據《不列 顛擲彈兵進行曲》的曲譜再填上新詞而成,但旋律較慢,故欠缺了原曲的勇武意味。
步驟1. 請click入 https://youtu.be/HnrvK3zDlyg 聽原曲(連原詞),然後據校歌歌詞伴唱,翻唱多遍直至「唱」順。留意,原曲只有三節,而校歌則有四節。
步驟2. Click入 https://youtu.be/sXVVjNav2Uw 純曲,像卡拉OK,依着曲唱。
步驟3. 想像旋律放慢,清唱。走到這個步驟,相信大家很期望會有對音樂具湛深造詣的校友,可以替這首校歌重新編曲。

想知更多?請參閲《皕載英華》第五章 <餘燼重亮 薪火再傳>,頁274。

#香港史 #教育 #校歌 #復校 #英國倫敦大學亞非學院 #Hong_Kong_Daily_Press #The_Ying_Wa_College_Song #The_British_Grenadiers #ywcoba #yingwaboy

《那些年·那標誌》- 英華書院校友會文物檔案組 編撰




想知更多?請參閲《皕載英華》第五章 <餘燼重亮 薪火再傳>, 頁278及321。

#香港史 #般咸道 #周星馳 #月光寶盒 #大合照 #YWC #校徽 #火炬 #ywcoba #yingwaboy


停課期間,英華小學每周的早會已轉到網上直播,至4月27日已進行了九次,「Harry 哥哥」(圖右)是其中二次早會的嘉賓,相信令不少小師弟雀躍不已。學校於4月6日更直播了復活節崇拜。對小學的師生來說,這些含宗教及科技元素的活動都是校園生活全新的體驗。
•網上早會(View in YouTube)
•晨禱時刻(View in YouTube)
•復活節崇拜(View in YouTube

想收看定時更新的內容就記得subscribe YingWaWaSquare 啦😊

#疫情 #教育 #復活節崇拜 #英華小學 #直播早會 #Harry哥哥 #yingwaboy #ywps #ywcoba

《那些年·那些人》 – 英華書院校友會文物檔案組 編撰

【英華男兒】是型英帥還是cool & chill,每個時代都有個定義。約90年前,六位籃球隊師兄像為那年代的「英華男兒」鑄了個模。


那些年留影當然是件大事,六位師兄頭上或左或右,都多了一條「花旗裝」髮界,但胸前卻少了「YING WA」反白字。一頭梳理整齊的短髮,仍飄著髮乳的餘香,矯健的師兄帶著奪冠的興奮,齊與舒活校長(後排中,1930-1938年在任)合照。


想知更多?請參閲《皕載英華》第六章 <立基市廛 有教無類>, 頁307 。

#香港史 #敎育 #學界籃球冠軍 #英華 #英華籃兒 #防彈少年團 #韓仔 #花旗裝 #舒活校長 #ywcoba #yingwaboy




首篇 《那些年·那些人》[英華男兒]將於今天下午4時fb獨家登場,英華仔萬勿錯過!😃


#香港史 #開埠 #宗教 #教育 #出版 #文化 #英華書院 #那些年 #yingwaboy #ywcoba




其實由停課開始,各班主任及術科老師已與各年級的同學視像聊天。由這星期開始,中 英 數 常 科任老師亦將與學生進行視像小組導修。雖然疫情令學校停課,但師生的關懷及教學活動卻從未間斷。


#疫情 #教育 #英華小學 #網上教學 #視像聊天 #yingwaboy #ywps #ywcoba