Ying Wa Sport Hightlights (28/11/2014)

Sports Update

Good news come from our boys in Cross Country Team and A grade Rugby (seven) Team.

Our Cross Country Team has good performance on 24/11 in Hong Kong Golf club. B grade rank 4th, include the excellent run of Ho Sing Yau, who finish in 5th among 120 competitors. Finally, they rank 9th in overall.

The A Grade Rugby (seven) Team got 4th in the competition, and it’s one of the best result of our boys ever.
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Congratulations to our boys and three cheers for them.

Please keep our support. Let’s go Ying Wa!

Gentle reminder
TODAY (28/11/2014)
A grade Football -semi-final
Vs La Salle
2:30pm @ Po Kong Village Road Park


Wai Lun

Ying Wa Sport Hightlights (20/11/2014)

Basketball, A Grade
After the disappointed game against DBS last week, we have to absent in the Final this year.  Nevertheless, our boys will make their efforts in the game on 21 Nov, 5:30pm in Choi Hung Road Sports Centre against La Salle College for the place of 3rd.

Football, A Grade
After finished the preliminary round, our boys became 1st in the group, we entered the semifinal on 28 Nov, 2:30pm at Po Kong Village Road Park and will play against La Salle College.
Please visit the HKSSF website www.hkssf-hk.org.hk for other News of Inter-school sports.

Lee Wai Lun
Sports Convener

Inter-school swimming competition 2014 (Overall 4th)

Lee Wai Lun
Sports Convener

Photos captured by Ying Wa College Photography Club

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地點:英華書院 學生活動中心

E-mail: cheltont@yahoo.com.hk
電話/whatsapp: 66060860
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ywoba

YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2014

Dear all,

Please be informed that our Annual General Meeting 2014 (“AGM”) will be held at 6:30pm on 16th October 2014 (Thursday) in the Function Room, 3rd Floor, The Mira Hotel, 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Enclosed please find the AGM Agenda and the Proxy Form for your attention.

A Wine Dinner (optional) will be served immediately after the AGM at HK$680 per head, details of which will be posted up on the web site. Advance booking for the dinner is required. For detail, please refer to the documents attached.

If you are unable to attend the AGM 2014, you can complete the Proxy Form and mail the original signed form to our Chairman KY Lo at the following address :

Attention : Mr. K. Y. Lo
Y.T. Chan & Co., Solicitors
5th Floor, The Chinese Bank Building,
61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

It would be a great help if you could disseminate the information herein to other alumni.

Look forward to seeing you at our AGM and Wine Dinner on 16th October 2014.

Thanks & best regards,
Benjamin Au
Honorary Secretary
Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association

AGM 2014 Detail

AGM Agenda
