
[多謝各位校友支持, 已經額滿]


校友會將於本年秋季為會員準備一項遊覽活動。 活動將於10月23日(星期日)舉行,名為「塔門東平洲世界地質公園之旅」,歡迎各位校友會員與親戚朋友一同參加。詳情請參考附件.


日期 2016年10月23日 (星期日)
集合時間 / 地點 上午9時正(逾時不候)/馬料水碼頭
解散時間 / 地點 約下午5 時/馬料水碼頭





l   馬料水碼頭見導賞員,剩坐專船出發

–    (船上) 赤門海峽地貎,欣賞香港古老的岩石及赤門海岸公園

–    (登岸) 塔門 專業導賞員分組介紹 及認識塔門生態和奇石

l   塔門特色午膳

l   剩坐專船出發往世界地質公園-東平洲

–    (船上) 觀賞及了解黃竹角咀「鬼手岩」形成經過

l   登上 世界地質公園-東平洲, 回溯 6000 萬年前香港的地貌

–    欣賞香港最年輕的岩石及沉積岩形成的種種獨特地貌

–    斬頸洲、龍善水、更樓石、難過水 和 岩石區「潮水潭」生態寶藏

l   回程 (船上) 介紹赤洲獨特的褐紅色礫岩和粉砂岩。由黃竹角海、紅石門,放眼盡是丹山赤土、這種地貌慣稱「海上丹霞」。


團費費用 每位$350 (大小同價)。由於名額有限,請從速報名,額滿即止。
名額 90名
報名方法 1)  報名日期:即日至  2016年10月14日

2)   報名方法:


e-mail 填妥報名表連同繳付費銀行過計單據到 rexlh.liu@gmail.com。

繳款方法 支票 (抬頭請寫:『英華書院校友會有限公司』,另請於支票背面寫上校友姓名及離校年份) 或直接入賬至校友會匯豐銀行賬戶(號碼 : 490-038569-001)。
備註 團費已包括交通費、導賞員、膳食、10萬元旅遊平安保險




Notice for Regular Happy Hours Gathering (2 September 2016)

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 2 September 2016, Fri (6:00 to 8:30 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong
Drinks arrangement: $150 per person with two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks). We will also order nibbles and snacks for sharing.

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys at all age group.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.  Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Kenneth Lau 劉百鈞,1995  (laukenny@yahoo.com)
Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999  (edwardli1122@gmail.com)
OBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba

Notice for Regular Happy Hours Gathering (5 August 2016)

Dear all,

Look forward to seeing you all in the coming happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 5 August 2016, Fri (6:00 to 8:00 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central)
Fee: $150 per person with two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks). We will also order some snacks for sharing.

Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Kenneth Lau 劉百鈞,1995  (laukenny@yahoo.com)
Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999  (edwardli1122@gmail.com)
OBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba



7月2日〈禮堂〉 展覽開幕式


7月4-6 日(陰雨操場〉

Regular Happy Hours Gathering (8 July 2016)

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 8  July 2016, Fri (6:00 to 8:00 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong
Drinks arrangement: order via the conveners.

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.  Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Kenneth Lau 劉百鈞,1995  (laukenny@yahoo.com)
Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999  (edwardli1122@gmail.com)
OBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook :



Regular Happy-hour (3 June 2016)

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 3rd June 2016, Fri (6:00 to 8:00 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong
Drinks arrangement: order via the conveners.

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys. All are welcome.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening. Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 ( rexlh.liu@gmail.com )
Kenneth Lau 劉百鈞,1995 ( laukenny@yahoo.com )
Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 ( edwardli1122@gmail.com )

OBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba
