Sports News (14/10/2015)

Inter-School Basketball Competition

Boys A Grade (Div 1 Kln Gp A1)
vs Kwun Tong Kung Lok ( 2015.10.02)
Won 45:17
vs Pui Ching (2015.10.07)
Won 61:16

Inter-School Volleyball Competition

Boys A Grade (Div 1 Gp 2)
vs Wa Ying,
Lost 0:2 (2015.10.03)
vs SKW Secondary (2015.10.10)
Lost 0:2

Inter-School Squash (Individual) Competition

Hong Kong Squash Centre
A Grade
Tsang Hei Yin (3rd round) (2015.10.11)

Inter-School Handball Competition
Boys A Grade (Div 1 League)
vs Ho Lap (2015.10.10)
Lost 17:18

Boys B Grade (Div 1 League)
vs Ho Lap (2015.10.10)
Lost 9:16

Inter-School Football Competition
Boys A Grade
Vs Kwun Tong Maryknoll (2015.10.14)
Won 4:1


Inter school Swimming Div I
Heat (2015.10.15)
Final (2012.10.28)

source :

Ying Wa Poster 01 Ying Wa Football Team Ying Wa Poster 02

2015 YWCOBA Annual Golf Tournament – 25th November 2015 (Wednesday)

Dear all,

Please note that the 2015 YWCOBA Annual Golf Tournament will be held on 25th of November (Wednesday). Similar to previous years, the tournament will be held at the South Course of Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course. Attached please find the enrollment form and the T-shirt size info. sheet.

Please complete the attached reply slip and send back to Gary Liu Hoi Keung by email : or by fax : 2317 5310 ASAP and not later than 25 October.

Please feel free to forward this email to other alumni who could be interested in this event. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Gary Liu Hoi Keung by email : or at 9091-9810.  We also welcome any sponsor and prizes donation etc.

Kind regards,
For and on behalf of

Gary Liu Hoi Keung (1982)
Golf Convenor

Size for Polo Shirt

YWC Golf day enrollment form 2015

YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2015 — 7:00pm on the 19th November 2015 ( Thursday ) at The Mira Hotel

Dear YWCOBA Exco and alumni,
Please be informed that the YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2015 will be held at 7:00pm on the 19th November 2015 (Thursday) in Function Rooms 4, 6 & 7 on the 3rd Floor, The Mira Hotel, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Enclosed please find the 2015 AGM Agenda, Nomination Form and the Proxy Form for your perusal and application.
In addition, YWCOBA had been registered as a limited company since 1965. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of our registration, a wine tasting dinner ( Optional ) will be served immediately after the AGM at a special offer of HK$500 per head. Advance booking is required. For reservation, please just reply back to me or you may also contact either : Mr. Ng Chi Kwong Gareth at 62003922 or Mr. Cheung Ka Fai at 96762689 or Mr. Au Wai Bun Benjamin at 95526614.

In case if you are not able to attend the upcoming 2015 AGM meeting, you can complete the Proxy Form and mail the orignial signed copy back to Mr. K.Y. Lo, Chariman of YWCOBA :

Attention : Mr. K. Y. Lo
c/o Messrs. Y.T. Chan & Co. 5th Floor,
The Chinese Bank Building,
61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

Please kindly help disseminating the notice of the 2015 AGM and relevant documents to other alumni of your years.
Looking forward to seeing you in the YWCOBA AGM 2015 on the 19th November, 2015.

Best Regards,
Benjamin Au
Honorary Secretary
Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association
2015 AGM Agenda

Invitation note_2015

Nomination Form_2015

Proxy Form_2015

From Ying Wa Re: Indoor Swimming Pool Project – Fundraising Campaign

Dear Ying Wa old boys,

As you may be aware, the construction work of the School Campus Improvement Project (Swimming Pool) is running at full throttle now. It is going to be a great addition to the campus and will constitute an extra avenue to create an even more conducive and vibrant school environment for our students and the whole school community upon its completion. With such school needs in mind, it is high time that the school kick-started our fundraising initiatives and we elicit your generous support of your alma mater by making a donation so that ultimately, we can all share the abounding joy when the project comes to fruition.

Our fundraising target for old boys is 10 million dollars with due consideration of the expenditure to be incurred for the construction, operation and long-term maintenance of the swimming pool – costs directly attributed to the project. The projected aggregate costs amount to 82 million dollars approximately as at now. There will possibly be additional expenditure incurred such as variation orders, pertaining to features like the Multi-purpose Room underneath the pool. Operation costs covering water and electricity costs as well as expenses for hiring qualified lifeguards will also be incurred. It is thus very evident that an enormous amount of school resources have to be earmarked for this project.  Although the school will be in a healthy financial position in the years to come, the various facets of sustainable school development necessitate prudent use of normal income; therefore the indoor swimming pool project should not pose any financial burden on the school and fundraising for the project is highly necessary.

Please find the attached newsletter concerning the fundraising campaign for Ying Wa old boys.  We are counting on your support and will be deeply grateful for your contribution. A donation form is attached to the newsletter and donations can be made via cheques payable to Ying Wa College.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Allan Cheng

Ying Wa College
1 Ying Wa Street

Tel: (852) 23368838
Fax: (852) 23361920

P.S. Please feel free to forward the newsletter to the other old boys you know.  Thank you.

School Campus Improvement Project (Swimming Pool) Old Boys’ Newsletter 2015-09-30 (signed)

Ying Wa College Home Coming Concert 2015 ( with Photos/videos )








節目表 ( 2015/5/26 更新 )

節目表 ( 2015/5/26 更新 )


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Sports News (30/5/2015)

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽

中五林柏榮,1分27.92秒 破大會甲組五百米紀錄。比賽中段,曾落後紀錄保持者9m,形勢險峻,幸好及時在最後 150 米追平對手,最尾以僅僅3m艇位勝出,並連續兩年,先後勇破乙組及甲組五百米室內划艇賽紀錄!

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽



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