英華利是封 2022


2月1日 便是農曆新年,為響應校友要求,現再次推出英華利是封,齊賀新禧。今年的利是封繼續採用了書院正門的「英華」字樣 以簡約為設計。現正接受預訂 $88(校友會會員)$98(非會員)/ 60個 一套。以郵寄方式寄到你指定的本地地址。

英華利是封 2022

如訂購,請於今天起到1月20日或之前 填妥以電子表格:

直接提供以下回條的資料,電郵到 membership@ywcoba.com


Rex Liu 廖力行 rexlh.liu@gmail.com
Jason Ma 馬家文 ajasonma@gmail.com
Edward Li 李𢓭蔚 edwardli1122@gmail.com



1: 聯絡人姓名 :

2: 會員號碼:

3: 電話 :

4: 送貨地址 :

5:數量 : 套 (每套60個)

1) 以轉數快 (FPS) 形式付款至以下帳戶:payment@ywcoba.com ,並上載已過數的手機截圖於此表格;或
2) 請將款項存入校友會匯豐銀行戶口:490-038569- 001,並在此表格附上入數紙/轉賬紀錄

YWCOBA Mentorship Program 2022

Dear Alumni

On behalf of the Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association, I am writing to invite you to participate in the OBA Mentorship Program 2022. This programme aims to cover the young YWC alumni who have recently graduated. Through interactions with senior alumni mentors, young alumni are able to gain insights into their aspired careers and broaden their horizons. It promotes the bonding across generations and strengthens the Ying Wa Spirit among alumni.

Aims and objectives

The Mentorship Program is a platform for YWC alumni to share their career experiences with fellow brothers. Mentees and mentors would be grouped according to their expertise, academic background, hobbies or individual preferences. It is a valuable opportunity to broaden one’s horizons and enrich social exposure.

In this program, you can:

– gain career advice and industry insights shared by YWC alumni

– enhance your professional and social network

– connect with Ying Wa brothers on both professional and personal bases.


Mentee: Must be an OBA or Graduate Affiliate Programme member who completed S6 in or after 2017 (or the equivalent class members)

Mentor: Must be an OBA member with at least 5 years’ work or professional experience

If you are interested in joining and making a commitment to the program, please submit the following Google forms on or before 23 Dec 2021.

For enquiry, please contact Edward Li (Class of 99) / Jackie Liu (Class of 06) or email us at membership@ywcoba.com.


Gareth Ng

Chairman, YWCOBA