Sports News (30/5/2015)

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽

中五林柏榮,1分27.92秒 破大會甲組五百米紀錄。比賽中段,曾落後紀錄保持者9m,形勢險峻,幸好及時在最後 150 米追平對手,最尾以僅僅3m艇位勝出,並連續兩年,先後勇破乙組及甲組五百米室內划艇賽紀錄!

2014-2015 中學校際室內賽艇比賽



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Ying Wa College North America Music Tour (Pre-tour Concerts)

Dear old boys,

Please be informed that Ying Wa College is organizing North America Music Tour which will be held from 26 June to 7 July this year.  We will be visiting University of Toronto, Eastman School of Music in University of Rochester and State University of New York at Fredonia.  A series of pre-tour concerts will be held this month and the details are listed as follows:
Pre-tour Concert Asia Society
Pre-tour Concert 1
Date: 23 May 2015 (Sat)
Time: 2:30pm
Venue: Asia Society Hong Kong Center (9 Justice Drive, Admiralty)
(Free admission)
Pre-tour Concert Mongkok Church
Pre-tour Concert 2
Date: 24 May 2015 (Sun)
Time: 2:30pm
Venue: CCC Mongkok Church (56 Bute Street, Mongkok) (Old campus of Ying Wa from 1928 to 1963)
(Free admission)
Pre-tour Concert Noble Hall
Pre-tour Concert 3
Date: 25 May 2015 (Mon)
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Noble Hall, Ying Wa College
(Free admission)

You are cordially invited to join us in the above events to support our boys.  Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Best regards,
KK Cheng