【Join to Learn】ICT Industry Talk @ Digital Marketing

Dear Fellows,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group will host a dine-out gathering on 24th April 2024 (Wednesday) for members who are interested in the latest trends in digital marketing and how social media companies leverage AI for advertisers to grow business.

ICT Industry Talk Details
Date: 24th April 2024 (Wed)
Time: 6:30 p.m – 9:30 p.m
Place: 4/F, KOHO, 73-75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon  ( https://maps.app.goo.gl/MSnF6BQSDxdJNdgE6 )

Fee: HK$240 for members / HK$280 for non-members / HK$120 for current full-time students at universities or Ying Wa College  (Takeaway drinks, pizza and pasta will be provided after the sharing talk.)

Three Ying Wa old boys, who are experienced market practitioners in the digital marketing sector, are invited to share the development and use cases of AI in business development and customer engagement.  

Guests of Honor:

Roger Li  李凱樂 (YWC 1995)
Senior Director of Ad Creative
Yahoo Creative Studios APAC

Micson Kwong 鄺謙俊 (YWC 1999)
Industry Director, Apps & Games, Greater China
Facebook / Meta 

William Poon 潘尉光 (YWC 2002)
Web Product and Digital Marketing Manager
T. Rowe Price

Grab the chance to interact in-person with the Ying Wa fellows in the digital marketing industry and AI technologies!  To secure the limited seats, please register online with Google Form on or before 22 April 2024 (Register Now @ https://bit.ly/4aAZmk7 ).   Should you have any questions, just feel free to send an email to info@ywcoba.com for assistance.

Besides, you’re welcome to join the WhatsApp Group of YWCOBA ICT Interest Group to cultivate ideas exchange regarding ICT matters.  Simply click the link (https://qrgo.page.link/CZPzB) to learn more about it and register the WhatsApp group at your convenience!!

Best regards,

YWCOBA ICT Interest Group

Launch of the YWCOBA Legal Chapter

Dear Ying Wa Old Boys,

We are delighted to announce the launch of the YWCOBA Legal Chapter, dedicated to connecting and empowering old boys with experience or an interest in the legal profession.

The Legal Chapter extends a warm invitation to old boys worldwide, including members of the judiciary, barristers, solicitors, law costs draftsmen, law school staff, law students, and paralegals. It doesn’t matter if you are a recent graduate seeking industry peers, a mid-senior professional looking for insider advice, or a seasoned leader eager to give back – there will be value for all.

To join the YWCOBA Legal Chapter, we cordially invite you to complete the Google form provided in the link below https://forms.gle/aZBkxkC3kEkW9zdA7.

We also kindly request your assistance in spreading the word by forwarding this message to all old boys in the legal profession. Together, let’s strengthen our network and bring them back to our vibrant community.

We eagerly anticipate your participation in our social activities, seminars and events.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to Nicolas Chan (Class of 2002 F7), Leo Fong (Class of 2019 F6) or Maurice Yim (Class of 2021 F6) via email at legalchapter@ywcoba.com.

Warm regards,

YWCOBA Legal Chapter Team

英華小學 – 英語原創音樂劇



四月十八日(星期四),英華小學百多位學生將傾力演出學校首次舉辦的英語原創音樂劇“The Mysterious Mushrooms Musical”,當晚收入扣除必要開支後將全數撥捐「英華教育基金」。

“The Mysterious Mushrooms Musical”的劇本及曲詞均由英華小學校長 陳美娟博士 原創,故事以魔法森林為背景,講述熱浪襲來,所有仙子必須找到解救危機的方法。學生們通過這個生動有趣的故事,透過合作提升同理心,懂得表達及欣賞,並配合本年度多元學習主題,學會時間管理;此外,他們亦從這場大型表現中培養到團隊合作精神和在舞台上展現光芒,大放異彩。

“The Mysterious Mushrooms Musical”是一場匯集了英華小學數百位師生、家長及家教會的心血力作,歡迎師兄弟們購票蒞臨欣賞,見證母校的茁壯發展、領略師弟們全力以赴的熱情。屆時亦會即場發售專為當晚設計的限量版紀念品。

有興趣參加者 請填妥鏈接內的門票訂購表格 ( https://forms.gle/xAtGHkkQSC2Pmhck6 ),

並於3月19日上午9時 至 3月22日晚上12時遞交,先到先得,欲購從速。訂購後,大會將發確認電郵給校友,確認各持票人英文姓名及電郵地址(資料用作進入理大校園申請QR code pass用)。

如有任何垂詢,可電郵 yumfai@gmail.com

此致 各校友

英華書院校友會主席 廖力行 謹啟


Monthly Networking Event

Please kindly note that the next monthly networking gathering for Ying Wa boys and friends will be:

Date:  1st March 2024, Friday (6:30 pm to 9:00 pm)
Venue:  Bar Y O’clock, 5/F, 7 Minden Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui

Drinks arrangement:
OBA Member $220 per head,
Non-Member $250 per head
Two drinks coupons (selected house wine/beer/cocktail/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

This is a regular casual networking occasion for old boys of all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on 1st Friday evening of each month.  No preregistration required.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)
Eric Poon 潘燿基, 1998 (eric_ykpoon@hotmail.com)

Monthly Networking Event

Please kindly note that the next monthly networking gathering for Ying Wa boys and friends will be:

Date: 2nd Feb 2024, Friday (6:30 pm to 9:00 pm)
Venue: J’s Bar Bistro, The Royal Garden, 69 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East.

Drinks arrangement:
OBA Member $200 per head,
Non-Member $220 per head
Two drinks coupons (selected house wine/beer/cocktail/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

This is a regular casual networking occasion for old boys of all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on 1st Friday evening of each month.  No preregistration required.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)
Eric Poon 潘燿基 1998 (eric_ykpoon@hotmail.com)



校友會將於 2024 年 2 月 22 日(星期四) 舉行龍年新春團拜晚宴,敬備吉祥菜餚及多款美酒,歡迎各位校友攜眷參加。詳情如下:

日期:2024 年 2 月 22 日(星期四, 正月十三)
時間:晚上8 時正
地點:尖沙咀美麗華酒店 三樓 宴會廳
費用:每位 HK$780.00 ( 會員 ) / HK$830.00 ( 非會員 )

報名方法:各位有意參加團拜晚宴的校友可由 現在到 2024 年 2 月 9 日, 將回條資料 電郵致 kevin9720@gmail.com 報名。


新春佳節, 特備不同區域的葡萄美酒, 給各校友品嘗。希望各位校友踴躍出席, 共聚同歡。亦歡迎各位校友會員邀請其他校友出席,齊賀佳節。
如有查詢,請致電下列其中一位校友聯絡 :

楊偉炫 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)
潘燿基 (eric_ykpoon@hotmail.com)
李家浩 (kevin9720@gmail.com)

當天亦為本會 第 630 次執委會議,歡迎各位校友於晚上 7 時正列席會議。

祝願 身體健康, 龍年行大運。

英華書院校友會 敬上
二零二四 年 一 月 二十四 日


參加人數:共 __人

Returning Home to the Ying Wa Family – Poon Choi Banquet for the 205th Anniversary

Poon Choi, also known as a Big Bowl Feast, is a traditional dish originating from Hong Kong village Cantonese cuisine, often enjoyed during family reunions.

To celebrate the 205th anniversary of Ying Wa, we cordially invite you to a Poon Choi Banquet, held in collaboration with Ying Wa Primary School, at the school campus of Ying Wa College and Ying Wa Primary School. This event aims to bring together students, teachers, parents and old boys to share school anecdotes and celebrate the lunar new year. The details are as follows:

Date: 21st January 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 4 pm – 5:30 pm: School history exhibition, game booths and student performances
5:30 pm – 6 pm: Opening Ceremony
6 pm – 7:30 pm: Poon Choi banquet
Venue: School campus of Ying Wa College and
Ying Wa Primary School
Charge: $ 250 per seat or $2,300 for a table of 10 seats
(includes a drink and a limited edition food container with eating utensils)

Remarks: Due to limited space, registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

To ensure smooth coordination and preparation, we highly encourage you to register by replying this google form (https://forms.gle/xmxtWEdUHv8CRyu58) on or before 5th January 2024 (Friday).

We eagerly await your presence as we create unforgettable memories to celebrate the 205th Anniversary of Ying Wa. For any further inquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Cherry Tsui at 2336 8838. Thank you very much for your kind attention and support.

Yours sincerely,

Dion Chen


「英華教育基金」英華行 Walkathon 2023/2024


「英華行」是結合書院、小學和校友會舉辦的大型活動,希望透過此活動能加深英華一家的情誼。本年度的「英華行」將於12月16日(六)及17日(日)舉行,適逢本年為創校205週年,同期間學校將於校内舉辦 「Ying Wa Fun Fair」(有關詳情將於稍後公佈),故本年活動形式會改以校内競技或體能運動進行。現誠邀書院、小學家長、同學及校友一同參與,共度歡樂時光。詳情如下,參加者可選擇參與小學或書院的一項活動。


英華行 Walkathon 2023/2024















12月16日上午10:30至16:00 及



12月16日上午10:15至16:00 及




1.       參與者須於指定時段先到達英華書院有蓋操場報到,根據「挑戰卡」內容,依照指定路線,到指定關卡進行任務,完成挑戰後 ,獲得一個印章,集齊四個印章即代表挑戰成功,將獲贈紀念品乙份,可往有蓋操場領取。

2.       挑戰內容:

●       徒步上、下樓梯

●       完成四個關卡任務:

⮚   關卡一:籃球運球及投籃技術挑戰

⮚   關卡二:地壺球挑戰

⮚   關卡三:開合跳挑戰

⮚   關卡四:跳大繩挑戰

1.  參與者須於指定時段先到達英華書院有蓋操場報到,了解儀器操作並進行熱身後,便可踏上「Watt Bike」參加 1 km智能訓練單車賽事。

2.  報名時參與者先選擇一個參賽時段。







10:30 – 11:00

  1. 第一個時段  11:15-12:00



11:00 – 11:30

  1. 第二個時段  12:15-13:00



11:30 – 12:00


  1. 第三個時段  13:15-14:00



12:00 – 12:30


  1. 第四個時段  14:15-15:00



12:30 – 13:00


  1. 第五個時段  15:15-16:00



13:00 – 13:30





13:30 – 14:00





14:00 – 14:30





14:30 – 15:00





15:00 – 15:30





15:30 – 16:00








10:00 – 10:30


  1. 第一個時段  10:15-11:00



10:30 – 11:00


  1. 第二個時段  11:15-12:00



11:00 – 11:30


  1. 第三個時段  12:15-13:00



11:30 – 12:00


  1. 第四個時段  13:15-14:00



12:00 – 12:30


  1. 第五個時段  14:15-15:00



12:30 – 13:00


  1. 第六個時段  15:15-16:00



13:00 – 13:30





13:30 – 14:00





14:00 – 14:30





14:30 – 15:00





15:00 – 15:30





15:30 – 16:00




●  最低籌款額為500元正,贊助人可獲發收據作年度扣稅之用。

●  請把籌得款項存入「英華教育基金有限公司」或“ Ying Wa Education Foundation Ltd” 的恆生銀行戶口 395-414006-883,或以FPS轉賬至 ywef@ywcoba.com,並於填寫報名表Google Form 時上載捐款轉賬紀錄




Google Form link


請參加的校友於128()或之前填妥 Google Form,上載捐款轉賬紀錄報名,並選擇參與的時段,以便統計人數及安排各項細節。但避免因人數過多導致輪候時間過長,參與者或有機會被編配至其他時段。大會於活動日期之前再通知參與者最終編配時段。如有任何疑問,歡迎 WhatsApp 高志雲(9267 4830)或方培章(9660 5115)查詢。







Notice of AGM – Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting for the year 2023 of Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“YWCOBA”) will be convened and held at Ying Wa College ,  Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong on Thursday, the 7th day of December 2023 at 7:30p.m.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him; a proxy need not also be a member.

The Proxy Form, Nomination Form, agenda, minutes and audited financial statements are attached as below:

YWCOBA AGM Agenda 2023



YWCOBA AGM Minutes Final 2022

AFS_YWCOBA_30 Jun 2023


The duly completed Proxy form should be returned to Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Gareth Ng ( garethckng@gmail.com ) or Mr. Rex Liu ( rexlh.liu@gmail.com )

Yours faithfully,

YWCOBA Executive Committee 

Application for DSS-S1 Places in Academic Year 2024-2025

Dear members,

Ying Wa College (“YWC”) will start open recruitment of Secondary 1 students for the year 2024/25 from 18th November 2023 to 29th November 2023. I am glad to inform you that the Association has liaised with YWC to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Secondary 1 of YWC subject to the following conditions :-

1) The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of the Association for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the date of the deadline stated below).
2) The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
3) The candidates should meet the required standard set by YWC.

If your son is interested to apply for a Secondary 1 place in YWC, you must make the application directly to YWC through online system in YWC webpage. For details, please go to http://www.yingwa.edu.hk , then click Menu>Admissions>S.1 Admission Information and Procedures.

Moreover, the S.1 Admission Briefing will be held on 18th November 2023 at 2:30pm. If you want to reserve the seats, please register online starting at 10:00am on 6th November 2023 (Monday). Please visit the website of Ying Wa College (http://www.yingwa.edu.hk , then click Menu>Admissions>Application) for details of this admission briefing.

If you wish the Association to render assistance, please submit the soft copies of the Application Form, P4 school report (final term only), and P5 school reports (full year) in PDF format to the Convenor for Student Affairs via Ms Cherry Tsui through email tyf@yingwa.edu.hk on or before Wednesday, the 29th November 2023.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenors for Student Affairs, Ng King Him (ngkinghim@yahoo.com.hk) or Ivanhoe Ko (ivanhoeko@yahoo.com.hk).

Yours sincerely,

Ng Chi Kwong, Gareth