Monthly Happy Hour Gathering 5 July

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys and friends.

 Date: 5th July 2019, Friday (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and beyond)

Venue: Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

Drinks arrangement:
Member $150 per head
Non-Member $180 per head
includes two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.

A casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys of all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (
​Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (
Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (

YWCOBA Recreation
Also, follow us on


Nordic Music Tour reunion

Nordic Music Tour reunion (26/6/2019)
🎼Wish all students have a good time and treasure the experience☺️

Photo Credit to Music Department and Ivan Chen

Heartfelt thanks to all friends and alumni sponsor for marking the trip a fruitful one:


Graduates of Year 1977 (F.5)
Dr Au Ting Wah
Mr Chan Chi Yin
Mr Cheung Lai Wang, Christopher
Mr Ng Yum Fai, John
Mr So Hing Woh, Victor
Mr Tang Ping Kwong
Mr Wong Wai Kit
Dr Yu Wai Cho
F1 instrumental class, 1992
Dr Fan Ka Hei
Dr Lam Hoi Shiu, Bosco
Dr Lo Hau Man
Dr Lo Wing Tai, Brian
Dr Wong Chun Fung
Mr Wong Tai Wai
Mr Wong Ying Wai Lawrence
Ms Wu Chui Lan, Eva
Dr Wu Shun Ping
Dr Yeung Yat Wah
Ms Yiu Ching Hing, Esther
Mr Chan Hung Tat, Edward
Mr Cheng Kwun Kit, Allan
Mr Chow Shun Yin
Mr Choy Kin Chung, Gary
Mr Heung Man Yick, Matthew
Mr Lam Yuk Kun, Lawrence
Mr Lau Sin Pang
Mr Lee Chi Hang
Mr Wong Wai Keung
Mr Chan Yuen Wah
Mr Ngai Wing Chit
Mr Shum Kei Man
Mr Sit Loi Keung
Mr Wong Chi Tak
Ms Lam Siu Sin
Mr Lam Shun Wing
Mr Tang Tsun Fung, Carl

英華書院童軍團(1926) – 文物保育組

英華的童軍活動一直受到校友的默默支持。文物保育組早前將英華書院(般咸道校舍)在1926 年成立 童軍第十三團 的合照重新裝裱,昨晚正式送贈到校史館作永久保存。感謝 文物保育組 及參與籌備校友的努力。



郭木開師兄 (M.H. Kwok) 於1960年代送贈此歷史照片予母校。這幀照片讓各師弟有機會認識到我們童軍團的根。

23位1970-1990年代校友秉承郭師兄的精神,不但重新裱裝郭師兄所送贈的歷史照片,更從香港童軍總會借得一張更清晰的版本,加以複印裱裝,於今晚童軍營火會上贈予母校。他們亦同時捐助英華文物保育組,以支持校史研究以及保育英華童軍文物的工作。他們是司徒志明、洪振東、高志雲、鍾家俊、蘇家樂、陳澤華、伍柏錦、何頌恆、李天豪、陳鋕賢、胡遨天、 張浩民、莫煒龍、何偉剛 、李靖輝、張子熙、馬彥邦、黃立基、陳岳鵬、區兆麟、伍致豐、鍾智強及陳文禮校友。在此向他們表達謝意。



英華籃球隊在學界籃球邀請賽成功衞冕。成為賽事 12 屆以來,首支獲得 6 屆冠軍的球隊!風頭一時無兩!而當中龍子傑更成為賽事有史以來首位連續兩屆奪得最有價值球員 (MVP) 的球員,絕對值得慶祝! 緊接下來,全港學屆籃球馬拉松又在 24/6 開始了。英華仔誓要保持氣勢,摘下學界四大賽事最後兩站冠軍!


Based on the research by the Our Heritage & Archive Group so far, he was one of the most outstanding Ying Wa boys of his time.

During his years in Ying Wa, he was a very active member in the school – not only that he was a key member of the scout troop, received the Hong Kong Governor’s letter of commendation in 1926 for rendering first aid to injured persons on two occasions, he was also a member of Ying Wa’s winning basketball team in the Hong Kong basketball open league in 1926 and 1927.

After graduation from Ying Wa, he joined the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)(皇家香港義勇軍團), participated in the Battle of Hong Kong in December 1941, and upon surrender on 26 December 1941, escaped from Hong Kong to continue the Allied’s campaign against Japanese invasion, eventually arrived at Kunming and served as a war interpreter for the US airforce. He continued to serve at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) for many years after the war.

As a keen sportsman, he devoted his career in the development of sports in Hong Kong – in 1936, he became the head of YMCA sports department, and after the war in 1955, he was appointed as the head of the Elizabeth Stadium – one of the few key indoor sports venues in those days, and remained in that position until his retirement in 1966.

As a Ying Wa alumni, for many years, he was remembered as “the man with a gun” in many of the annual Ying Wa Athletic Meets, officiating track events by firing his riffle. From 1956 till late 1960s, he acted as the secretary of YWC Old Boys Association.