YWCOBA Chinese Year Dinner

Dear Exco members and fellow alumni,

We are delighted announce that YWCOBA is organising a dinner gathering during the coming Chinese new year to celebrate the year of Goat.

Event details as list below.
Event : YWCOBA Chinese Year Dinner 「喜氣洋洋新春團拜」
Date & Time : 26th February 2014 (Thursday) 大年初八8:00pm ( after No.544 Exco meeting )

Venue : Function Rooms, 3/F at The Mira Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui

Price : HK$680 per person

Please kindly complete by 16 February 2015 the attached enrollment form and send it together with a crossed cheque back to the Ying Wa Old Boys’ Association Ltd. c/o Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo; or email the enrollment form and bank pay-in slip to :  rexlh.liu@gmail.com , the bank-in Account Number of YWCOBA with HSBC : 490-038569-001

For any query, please feel free to contact followings:

盧炯宇 (9467 0334 kylo@ytchan.com.hk);
歐偉賓 (9552 6614, benannie@netvigator.com);
張家輝 (9676 2689, faifaic@gmail.com);
廖力行 (6016 3887, rexlh.liu@gmail.com);

Please help forwarding the invitation to other alumni of your years and looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Best Regards,
Rex Liu

Recreation committee
Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association

Application form :

Notice for 2015 Chinese New Year dinner

Fundraising Walkathon 2014「英華行」

Dear alumni,

Please be informed that “Ying Wa Education Foundation” will organize the Fundraising Walkathon 「英華行 」, which shall be held on January 24th, 2015 (Saturday) in the Sha Tau Kok Farm. All parties of the Ying Wa Family – students, teachers & parents of YWC and YWPS, alumni, family & friends are invited to participate in this meaningful event. An invitation notice / donation form with full details of the event is hereby enclosed.

Event : 「英華行 」”Ying Wa Walkathon”

Date : 24th January, 2015 (Saturday)

Walkathon Venue : Sha Tau Kok Farm ( 沙頭角農莊 )

Deadline for enrollment of walkathon : 20th December, 2014 (Saturday)

For your information, “Ying Wa Education Foundation” was established in October 2012 as a charitable organization to pool resources contributed by various stakeholders of the Ying Wa family. Funds have been raised to support the various needs of Ying Wa arising from the many areas of school development. Enclosed for your reference please find a Newsletter of the Ying Wa Education Foundation and the various projects that had bed been supported.

Should there be any query about the enrollment / donation of the Walkathon, please feel free to contact any of the below : KY Lo ( Tel. 94670334 ) / Gareth Ng ( Tel. :  62003922 ) / Cheung Ka Fai ( 96762689 ) Benjamin Au (  Tel. : 95526614 ).

Please help to pass along the invitation notice / donation form to other alumni to enroll in the Walkathon or to sponsor other old boys to participate in this meaningful event.

Thanks & best regards,
Benjamin Au
Honorary Secretary

Walkathon notice(revised)

YWEF Newsletter 2014-11-20 (20141120) with signature

Inter-School Division One Football A Grade Final vs DBS at 3:45pm on 3rd December, 2014 (Wednesday)

Dear alumni,

Please be informed that Ying Wa College A Grade Football Team beat La Salle College by 1:0 in the semi-final yesterday and will play in the HK & Kowloon Inter-School Division One A Grade Final on 3rd December, 2014 ( Wednesday) at 3:45pm at the Po Kong Village Park (Artificial Surf), ( 蒲崗村道公園人造草地球場 ) Diamond Hill, Kowloon.

Please find the highlights of the semi-final match played yesterday :

Our boys need your support to defend the title. Please also invite other old boys & friends to cheer for our boys next Wednesday afternoon.

Thanks for all your great support !!!

Best regards,

Ying Wa Sport Hightlights (28/11/2014)

Sports Update

Good news come from our boys in Cross Country Team and A grade Rugby (seven) Team.

Our Cross Country Team has good performance on 24/11 in Hong Kong Golf club. B grade rank 4th, include the excellent run of Ho Sing Yau, who finish in 5th among 120 competitors. Finally, they rank 9th in overall.

The A Grade Rugby (seven) Team got 4th in the competition, and it’s one of the best result of our boys ever.
[nggallery id=58]

Congratulations to our boys and three cheers for them.

Please keep our support. Let’s go Ying Wa!

Gentle reminder
TODAY (28/11/2014)
A grade Football -semi-final
Vs La Salle
2:30pm @ Po Kong Village Road Park


Wai Lun

Ying Wa Sport Hightlights (20/11/2014)

Basketball, A Grade
After the disappointed game against DBS last week, we have to absent in the Final this year.  Nevertheless, our boys will make their efforts in the game on 21 Nov, 5:30pm in Choi Hung Road Sports Centre against La Salle College for the place of 3rd.

Football, A Grade
After finished the preliminary round, our boys became 1st in the group, we entered the semifinal on 28 Nov, 2:30pm at Po Kong Village Road Park and will play against La Salle College.
Please visit the HKSSF website www.hkssf-hk.org.hk for other News of Inter-school sports.

Lee Wai Lun
Sports Convener

Inter-school swimming competition 2014 (Overall 4th)

Lee Wai Lun
Sports Convener

Photos captured by Ying Wa College Photography Club

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