Photos of YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2013
Ying Wa College 195th Anniversary Celebration Activities
Annual General Meeting 2013
Annual General Meeting 2013 will be held at 7:00pm on the 17th October 2013 (Thursday) in Function Rooms 4, 6 & 7 on the 3rd Floor, The Mira Hotel, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Please click here for the following documents:
YWCOBA is organising an outing activity to visit the Kadoorie Farm in September. Enclosed please find the invitation notice and enrolment form with more details :
Event : 「嘉道理農場大自然之旅」 ( Outing Activity to Kadoorie Farm )
Date & Time : 22nd September 2013 (Sunday) 9:00am to 4:00pm
Gathering Time & Venue : 9:00am at Ying Wa College, 1 Ying Wa Street
Price : HK$150 per person ( Same price for Adult and Child. Minimum age requirement for participation is 1 )
Capacity : 60 persons
Deadline for enrolment is August 27 (Tuesday). Detail and application form were found in the following attachment.
629 情繫英華30年 ( 1983 )
Photos of 629 情繫英華30年 ( 1983 ) were uploaded in Alumni Events
For revision of the gathering, an youtube version can be watched at :
Snapshots of Ying Wa Old Boys Football League 2012-13 Final
The snapshots of Ying Wa Old Boys Football League 2012-13 Final were uploaded in the following gallery.
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英華小學2013~2014年度小一直資簡介會將於 2013年 3月8日 (星期五) 9:00am開始接受網上報名。