



2.坐枱版 (備有車用版配件):金屬汽車徽章+ 座枱木製背板


校友會主席 盧炯宇敬上


以沉痛心情𧫴告 本會榮譽會長 黃兆榮師兄(1951屆校友)於今天(1月17日)早上7:30分離世 願黄師兄安息 亦向其家人致深切慰問。

日期 :2月9日星期五
時間 :7:00 pm
地點 :九龍殯儀館光耀堂(三樓302室) 九龍大角咀楓樹街1號A


日期 :2月10日星期六
時間 :10:00 am
地點 :九龍殯儀館







列名 贊助金額
鑽石贊助人 20,000元 或以上
紅寶石贊助人 10,000元     或以上
黃金贊助人 5,000元 或以上
銀贊助人 2,000元 或以上
贊助人 1,000元 或以上



2018 February Monthly Happy Hour Notice

Dear Alumni,

 Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

 Date: 2nd February 2018, Fri (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and beyond)
Venue: Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.
Drinks arrangement: 

Member $150 per head, Non-Member $180 per head

Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

 We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys at all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on Friday evening.

 Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

 Best regards,

 Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Philip Yeung 
楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba


Gala Dinner Notice

Dear All,

On 11th November, a record number of over 2,500 old boys, faculty members, students and parents participated in the 2017 Walkathon. And on that very date, we officially kicked off our alma mater’s bicentennial Celebration!

英華二百週年校慶晚宴倒時計 Gala Dinner Countdown Clock

Bicentennial Gala Dinner

The Bicentennial Gala Dinner will take place on 2nd December 2018 (Sunday) at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. We expect a huge turnout from old boys, faculty members, students and parents. Therefore, we are accepting advanced booking from old boys pursuant to this notice.

Gala Dinner Notice (with reservation form & donation form )

Best Regards,





2017 December Happy Hour Notice

Dear Alumni,

Please kindly note that there will be a happy hour gathering for Ying Wa boys.

Date : 1st December 2017, Fri (6:30 to 10:30 and beyond)
Venue : Grappa’s Cellar (Central) Basement 1, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.
Drinks arrangement:

Member – $150 per head , Non-Member $180 per head

Two drinks coupons (for house wine/beer/soft drinks with nibbles and snacks for sharing.)

We aim to provide a regular casual gathering/networking occasion for old boys at all age groups and looking forward to seeing you all on the Friday evening.

Should you require any further information or have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact one of our Recreation Conveners below.

Best regards,

Rex Liu 廖力行, 1990 (rexlh.liu@gmail.com)
Philip Yeung 楊偉炫, 1994 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

​Edward Li 李俊蔚, 1999 (edwardli1122@gmail.com)

YWCOBA Recreation

Also follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ywcoba




YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2017 (16/11/2017)

Dear members,

Please be informed that the YWCOBA Annual General Meeting 2017 will be held at 7:00pm on 16th November 2017 (Thursday) in the Function Rooms on the 3rd Floor, The Mira Hotel, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Enclosed please find the 2017 AGM Agenda and the Proxy Form for your perusal.

Dinner (Optional) will be served immediately after the AGM at HK$600 per head. Advance booking is required. For reservation, please just contact any one of the following office bearers: Mr. Ng Chi Kwong Gareth at 62003922 or Mr. Cheung Ka Fai at 96762689 or the undersigned at 95526614.

In case you are not able to attend the upcoming 2017 AGM meeting, you can complete the

Proxy Form and mail the signed original to Mr. K.Y. Lo, Chairman of YWCOBA :

Attention : Mr. K. Y. Lo
Y.T. Chan & Co.
5th Floor, The Chinese Bank Building,
61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

Please kindly help disseminating the notice of the AGM and relevant documents to other alumni of your years.

Look forward to seeing you in the 2017 AGM on 16th November, 2017.

Yours sincerely,
Ip Che Ho
Honorary Secretary

Proxy Form

Nomination and Consent form 17-19

2017 AGM Agenda




2017 英華皕載籃球明星邀請賽_1031list

(18:05  31/10/2017更新)

112 約定你 修頓見🏀

(16:30  30/10/2017更新)

鑑於近日多位同學查詢11月2日籃球賽事宜,在此先預告當日Rundown,球賽時間- 頭場元老賽6:30pm,明星邀請賽8:00pm。我們亦安排英華小學籃球隊作表演,時間約7:25pm。書院及小學的門票及Tee會於下週初於校內派發,舊生及VIP門票🎫及200周年Tee將於當日下午六時開始於灣仔修頓場館入口處派發,當日會有約2千人出席,呼籲大家早點來支持,緊守秩序,敬請留意。
112 約定你 修頓見!


(12:45  28/10/2017更新)



112 約定你 修頓見!




舉辦這場破天荒的賽事,旨在讓英華人共聚一堂,亦為英華教育基金籌款。為配合二百週年校慶活動,二百週年特別紀念Tee將於本活動接受訂購。賽事門票價格為$50,為鼓勵大家早日擁有紀念Tee(售價$250),訂購Tee shirt 人仕會獲優先配售門票,每件Tee shirt最多可訂購兩張門票。有興趣的英華人請把握機會從速購票,多多支持!
請參加者於9月30 日或之前填妥回條連同銀行入數紙,傳真至英華書院校務處
(Fax: 2336 1920)。

此致 各校友

盧炯宇 敬上
2017年 9 月13 日


Application for DSS-S1 Places in Academic Year 2018-2019

Dear members,

I have the pleasure to inform you that Ying Wa College (“YWC”) will from November 6, 2017 (Monday) to November 25, 2017 (Saturday) accept application for Form 1 students for the school year of 2018/19. Kindly make inquiry with Ms. Cherry Tsui (Tel No.27485813) of YWC for details of the application.

I am glad to inform you that Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association (“YWCOBA”) has liaised with YWC to render assistance to Ying Wa Old Boys who wish their sons to be admitted to Form 1 of YWC subject to the following conditions :-

  1. The father of the son(s), must be a paid-up member of YWCOBA for the past two years (i.e. full 24 months counting back from the deadline of application stated below).
  2. The conduct of his son(s) must not be poor in his (their) present school(s).
  3. The candidates should meet the required standard set by the principal of YWC.

If your son wishes to apply for a Form 1 place in YWC, you have to complete and submit the Application Form directly to YWC. Application forms are available from November 4, 2017 (Friday) to November 25, 2017 (Saturday) and can be obtained in one of the following ways:

  1. On the school website – forms can be downloaded from http://www.yingwa.edu.hk.
  2. In person – forms can be obtained from the School.
    Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

After submitting your son’s Application Form to YWC and if you wish YWCOBA to render assistance in the application, you are requested to submit one copy of the Application Form to the Convenor for Student Affairs of Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association via Ms. Tsui of Ying Wa College on or before Saturday, the 25th day of November 2017.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Convenor for Student Affairs, Mr. Ng King Him at 93582756 or email: ngkinghim@yahoo.com.hk

Yours sincerely,
K Y Lo

Notice of Application for DSS-S1 Places in Academic Year 2018-2019


Prospectus of Ying Wa College ( Published 2017 )

Ying Wa College Application for DSS – S1 Places in Academic Year 2018-2019