Sports News (HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014)

Dear all,
I am writing to inform you that our boys ( YWC basketball Team) will compete in the HK interschool basketball 2014. We are the defending champion this year.  This tournament will be held in Harbour Road Sports Centre, Wanchai from 25/6 to 6/7/2014.   The followings are the important dates :

Schedule amended on 01/07

01/07     –   08:45;;余二
03/07     –   14:45;培英
05/07     –   08:45;基新/港華
              –   10:45;永光/可風
06/07     –   13:15;漢華/王少清
              –   14:45;拔萃/裘錦秋
              –   16:30;桂華山 

Please do come and support our boys and the fixture is attached. May I also ask you to pass around this information to your YW buddies.

Lee Wai Lun
Sport Convener

Detail of HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014


Ying Wa College Old Boys' Home-coming Concert on 31 May 2014

Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Home-coming Concert on 31 May 2014

Please be informed that the Old Boys’ Home-coming Concert 2014 will be held on 31 May (Saturday) at 7:30pm in Noble Hall.  Many old boys and their sons and daughters will perform music on stage.  It is indeed a re-union of Ying Wa community.  You are cordially invited to join us that night.  For details, please refer to the attached letter sent by the organizing committee.















Ying Wa College Mentorship Scheme cum Career Day 2014

Ying Wa College Mentorship Scheme cum Career Day 2014 was successfully held on May 3, 2014 (Saturday). Over 70 old boys from different generations gathered at the Noble Hall to their share their career experience and insights with current S.5 students.

Special thanks are extended to special guest Adam Wong Sau Ping (黃修平)  for delivering the keynote speech. It was a true inspiration for the whole audience – students, alumni and teachers included.

Group Photos of Ying Wa College Mentorship Scheme cum Career Day 2014


Sad news: Passed away of former Chairman, Francis Wong Ping-yim

Francis served as Chairman of the Old Boys’ Association in the mid 1980s.  He retired and emigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1990s.  He was a devoted Ying Wa boy contributed much through his vision in promoting brotherhood within the Ying Wa family.  A true gentleman of intelligence and sincerity.  Our thoughts are with his family.

May Francis rest in peace. 

Details of Francis Wong’s Funeral:

Visitation: Apr 10, Thursday, from 5pm to 9pm.
Visitation and Funeral: Apr 11, Friday, from 1pm to 3pm.

Funeral and Burial location:

Elgin Mills Cemetery
1591 Elgin Mills Road East,
Richmond Hill ON L4S 1M9
Tel: 905-737-1720

Sponsorship form of the 195th School Anniversary Publication 《薪火相傳》

Dear alumni,

Attached please find the sponsorship form of the 195th School Anniversary Publication 《薪火相傳》,which will be published in mid-2014. For those alumni or Graduation Class who would like to sponsor the publication, please fill in the attached form together with the cheque payment and send back to the YWC Office latest by April 9th, 2014 (Wednesday).
Should there be any query, please contact Ms. Chung ( tel. : 23368838 ) of YWC Office.    

Thanks & best regards,
Benjamin Au
Honorary Secretary

英華書院195校刊贊助表格(2014-03) MS Word format

英華書院195校刊贊助表格(2014-03) PDF format

「全港學界精英足球賽」決賽 : 英華書院奪得亞軍及最佳射手球員



亞軍 英華

最佳射手球員 廖澔弘(英華)
最佳射手球員 廖澔弘(英華)



1891576_10151984862550869_217167744_o 1921048_10151984862200869_880304027_o


[nggallery id=41]

春季有機農莊大自然之旅活動花絮 (9/3/2014)

2014年3月9日, 星期日.

雖然星期天是陰天, 幸而沒有下雨, 我們68名從1959年至1997年的校友早上準時齊集英華書院 出發到有機農場遊覽。校友們渡過了一個愉快和遠離繁囂的時光,大家不但加深了對本地有機農產品的認識,更品嘗了本地美食,小朋友們藉此與農場小動物接觸, 樂也融融 。 午膳時, 校友們顯示出巨大的創造力, 嘗試親手製作本地客家農村的美味茶果, 即做即食, 樂趣十分。午膳後更有校友們自摘合時有機蔬菜, 滿載而歸。

校友會藉此感謝校友們的支持, 令是次活動得以成功,並期待在未來的活動中再次與大家見面。
