
校友會將於 2024 年 12 月 14 日(星期六) 舉行為期兩日一夜的順德美食之旅, 帶大家體驗耗資約500億灣區超級工程 —【深中通道】, 入住五星級酒店, 享用豐富美食。歡迎各位校友踴躍參加,亦歡迎攜眷出席。詳情如下:

日期 2024 年 12 月 14-15 日 (星期六至日)
出發時間及集合地點 2024 年 12 月 14 日 早上 9 時正 ( 九龍塘火車站 )

成人每位HK$1199 小童不佔床位(1.5米以下)每位HK$999

行程 Day 1: 上午09:00 集合 →乘豪華旅遊巴途經深中通道前往順德 → 午餐【招積位上芥末鮑魚拼花螺】→順德大良步行街-包下午茶順德馳名雙皮奶 (廣東四大名園清暉園,城市中喧鬧的靜土,遊覽心靈的感悟) →晚上入住 順德海駿達希爾頓國際酒店 →酒店西餐廳享用 豐富海鮮自助晚餐 →尊享酒店豪華室外恆溫泳池→自由活動 (酒店旁邊有天佑城、超市、電影院、美食街、酒吧、棋牌室、KTV等)
Day 2: 酒店享用中西式自助早餐後 →大約10:30點休閒離開酒店→ 網紅打卡點: 海濱漁人碼頭參觀 (浪漫情景式文旅街區,集觀光旅遊、文化創意、婚慶攝影、休閒娛樂、順德美食於一體) →午餐【豪氣沖天-兩濃湯雞煲翅】→下午茶: 老字號《咀香園》(下午茶一人一盅龜苓膏) →送回 九龍塘火車站 自由解散!
報名方法 煩請各位有意參加的校友於 2024 年 10 月 31 日或以前 填妥報名表連同繳付費用的收據/截圖, e-mail : kevin9720@gmail.com 。先到先得
會方將於11月9日前覆實已報名的校友。若已報名但在11月10日仍未接獲會方通知,請與李家浩校友(email: kevin9720@gmail.com) 聯絡。
繳款方法 以轉賬形式付款 (ATM/電話理財/Online)
公司名稱:Ying Wa College Old Boys’ Association
滙豐銀行 : 490-038569-838

李家浩 (kevin9720@gmail.com)
楊偉炫 (philip.yeungwy@gmail.com)

校友會主席 廖力行敬上


[Legal Chapter] Continuing Professional Development Course 2024

Dear Ying Wa Old Boys,

We are delighted to invite members of the Legal Chapter to our continuing professional development course. Details of this event are as follows:

  • Date: 18 Oct 2024 (Friday)
  • Time: 7:00pm-8:00 pm (Networking and registration starts from 6:30pm)
  • Venue: Ying Wa College
  • Topic: Private International Law for Transactional Lawyers
  • Speaker: Prof. Dicky Tsang (Class of 1995 F5)
  • CPD Point: 1 (being applied-for, subject to approval by The Law Society of Hong Kong)
  • Fee: $100 (Free of charge for students)

About the course: Private international law has long been regarded as a crucial subject in cross-border litigation, where litigators frequently encounter its principles. It is also highly important for transactional lawyers, though many may not have studied the subject in law school. This seminar aims to provide the foundational concepts of private international law to transactional lawyers unfamiliar with the field, while also serving as a refresher for those with some background in the subject.

Networking dinner: Participants are encouraged to join the after event networking dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant at the participants’ own expense. Details of this optional event will be provided to the participants in due course.

How to join: Members interested to attend please RSVP by contacting Nicolas Chan (Class of 2002 F7), Leo Fong (Class of 2019 F6) or Maurice Yim (Class of 2021 F6), or via email to legalchapter@ywcoba.com on or before 11 Oct 2024.

If you are yet a member of the Legal Chapter, you are cordially invited to click on the link below to sign up. The Legal Chapter is dedicated to connecting and empowering old boys with experience or an interest in the legal profession, including members of the judiciary, barristers, solicitors, law costs draftsmen, law school staff, law students, and paralegals. 

JOIN THE LEGAL CHAPTER: https://forms.gle/aZBkxkC3kEkW9zdA7

Warm regards,
YWCOBA Legal Chapter