Sports News (HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014)

Dear all,
I am writing to inform you that our boys ( YWC basketball Team) will compete in the HK interschool basketball 2014. We are the defending champion this year.  This tournament will be held in Harbour Road Sports Centre, Wanchai from 25/6 to 6/7/2014.   The followings are the important dates :

Schedule amended on 01/07

01/07     –   08:45;;余二
03/07     –   14:45;培英
05/07     –   08:45;基新/港華
              –   10:45;永光/可風
06/07     –   13:15;漢華/王少清
              –   14:45;拔萃/裘錦秋
              –   16:30;桂華山 

Please do come and support our boys and the fixture is attached. May I also ask you to pass around this information to your YW buddies.

Lee Wai Lun
Sport Convener

Detail of HK Inter-School Basketball Marathon 2014